Last updated on April 7th, 2019 at 05:29 am
What are the most popular blog topics? If you’re starting a blog and wondering which niches make money and what people are actually searching for, you’re in the right place. I am going to uncover the most visited blogs in the world so you can choose the right topic.
Today, I thought that I would do some research to find the top topics to blog about. Hopefully, this little experiment will show you what type of blog to start.
It’ll also help you come up with a long list of ideas that you know work well for other bloggers. The right blog idea can be the difference between struggling for years or making money in the first year of blogging.
This is why so many pro bloggers say that you should spend time finding the popular blog topics in your niche and writing your own version of that article using keywords that people are actually looking for.
It’s going to be fun because I am actually wanting to start a second blog. So this little exercise will help me find a popular topic that will hopefully grow faster than this blog.
Choosing the right topic does make a huge difference in your online success. I’ve seen some blogs take off quickly, while others take a lot lot longer.
This is the reason why so many people say that when you create a blog, it should be in a niche that is proven to be profitable.
The hard part is finding a good topic to write about and being able to keep your interest to push out content on a regular basis.
I have struggled with this in the past. Even though the niche was profitable, I hated the blog. Have you ever had a blog that you hated, but it made you money?
Finding The Most Popular Blog Topics 2018 and Beyond
More and more people are starting a blog in hopes of earning money from home. I’m not sure if it’s because the job market sucks. (well it does here where I live)
Or maybe more and more people just want to take control of their financial freedom and work from home.
Whatever the reason you are considering learning how to start a blog, the truth is that NOT every niche has the potential to make you money. Yes, you can get your pageviews up on any blog and use display ads to make money.
But if you’re looking to create a profitable blog and earn good money, you’re going to have to focus on some high demand blog topics that people are actually searching for.
That’s actually why I put this list of the blogs with the highest searches. My goal is to show you what topics with the highest searches are that people actually enjoy reading.
If someone else is already have success in these categories, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do it too.
The Most Visited Blogs
When you take the time to start a blog on a subject that people are actually searching for. Chances are you’ll have a much better chance to become a successful blogger.
After all, if people are looking for and reading them. You’ll have a much better chance of making money through display ads, affiliates, your own products or offering services.
Of course, you’ll also want to make sure that it’s a profitable niche and people are actually willing to spend money.
Digging In With Research
Most new bloggers are so excited to get their blog started. They usually jump the gun and get started using the following steps.
- Make the decision to become a blogger
- Buy their domain and set up WordPress
- Write some content
Then in a couple of months, they realize that they don’t like what they are blogging about or no one is visiting their blog. I’ve done this several times with my past blogs.
What Should You Do?
Once you’ve decided that you’re crazy enough to become a blogger. It’s time to sit down and brainstorm blog niches that make money and get tons of searches.
The last thing you want to do is start a blog around a subject that doesn’t get any searches. Blogging is hard and you don’t want to work your ass off only to realize that you’re in a niche that no one cares about.
How to Find the Most Searched Blog Topics
When I started this blog, I didn’t really take the time to do any research. I already knew what I wanted to blog about so I just set up my blog and got started.
If you have no clue what you want to blog about, then take some time and look at some of the most successful blogs online. You’ll quickly start to see a trend on which niches are actually profitable and worth your time.
Common Blog Categories
Here are some of the most common categories that a lot of content creators use on their blogs. These are broad categories so you’ll want to make sure that you add some sub-niches to them as well.
It took me about 10 minutes to find these categories on both Bloglovin and Pinterest.
If you have a blog in any of these categories, you should be able to promote it on those platforms and actually get traffic.
22 BlogLovin Categories
- Art
- Beauty
- Beauty Bloggers
- Books
- Design
- DIY & Crafts
- Education
- Fashion
- Food & Drink
- Film
- Fitness
- Family
- Home Decor
- Lifestyle
- Men’s Fashion
- Music
- News
- Photography
- Sewing
- Street Style
- Travel (here are travel blog name inspiration ideas that will help you brainstorm)
- Video
36 Pinterest Categories
- Animals and Pets
- Architecture
- Art
- Cars and Motorcycles
- Celebrities
- DIY and Crafts
- Design
- Education
- Entertainment
- Everything
- Food and Drink
- Gardening
- Geek
- Gifts
- Hair and Beauty
- Health and Fitness
- History
- Holidays and Events
- Home Decor
- Humor
- Illustrations and Posters
- Kids and Parenting
- Men’s Fashion
- Outdoors
- Photography
- Popular
- Products
- Quotes
- Science and Nature
- Sports
- Tattoos
- Technology
- Travel
- Videos
- Weddings
- Women’s Fashion
You can clearly see which categories are popular on both platforms. In fact, if you just plug in one of these seed keywords into Google, LongTailPro you will be able the top blogs people are looking for.
I thought that it would be fun to show you how to do this using the tools above. Once you see how many searches per month some of these blog niches receive, it’ll have you thinking about starting a blog in one of them.
Just remember, that you probably won’t be able to rank for the main seed keyword. But if you play your content strategy correctly, I have no doubt that you’ll be able to get some traffic from these blog niche ideas.
What Should I Blog About?
It’s nice to see the main categories that people are writing about. It’s even nicer to see how many searches per month these keywords get.
Now you’re probably thinking, what should I blog about? After all, no one wants to waste time trying to build a blog in a niche that doesn’t get any searches or have any profitability potential.
Well, I am going to run a test on the interesting blog topics people search for. For instance, if something searches the Internet to read a blog they are looking for “keyword blogs.”
I won’t be going into the sub niches of each keyword. We’re just going to take a look at the most read blogs online. With this information at your fingertips, you won’t have to worry about wasting a bunch of time.
After all, you’re starting in something that’s proven to get tons of searches. So you’ll feel better knowing that you’re not wasting time writing content.
This will help give you an idea of the types of blogs that people love reading. These are some of the most popular blogging topics you can enter. Of course, there’s going to be a lot of competition, because there is money to be made.
Top Blog Topics
And the winners of the high demand blog topics that people love reading are….
Fashion blogs and travel blogs. (these are the most popular blogging topics people love reading)
You can see the rest of the numbers of all the different categories below.
Most Popular Types of Blogs According to SEMRush
This will give you an idea of the types of blogs that people love reading. Hopefully, this will also give you a better idea of what to blog about.
I can definitely see why so many people are starting lifestyle blogs. They are extremely popular and the cool thing is that you can write almost anything on a lifestyle blog.
If you’re writing in a lifestyle niche, here are some Thanksgiving blog post ideas you should consider writing about. I’ve personally thought about starting a lifestyle blog.
Who knows, maybe that’s what I’ll do for my second blog when I get there?
I’ve only been using SEMRush for about 2 weeks now. I just signed up to see if I can improve my organic traffic and run an SEO Audit of my blog.
Most likely I won’t be keeping on a month to month basis. It’s just too expensive of a tool for me right now. Although, I do think that every blogger should sign up for at least a month just to see how their blog is doing in Google’s eyes.
You can sign up for your free trial here.
5 of The Most Searched Blog Topics According SEMRush
Fashion blogs – 18,100 searches a month
Travel blogs – 18,100 searches a month
Food blogs – 14,800 searches a month
Lifestyle blogs – 9,900 searches a month
Beauty blogs – 8,100 searches a month
It’s a tie between travel and fashion blogs. I used SEMRush to get these results. I know that a lot of people don’t use SEMRush because it is an expensive tool.
The cool thing is that you can sign up for a free trial and do a bunch of research and then you won’t have to worry about what to write about for your blog.
So I decided to run these same searches using the free Ubbersuggest tool. I thought it would be fun to see if there’s a big difference according to the keyword tool you use.
Most Popular Types of Blogs According to Ubbersuggest
Ubbersuggest is a completely free keyword tool. So I thought it would be nice to do the research on this tool to show you the comparison between Ubbersuggest and SEMRush.
These results are from 2018, and I thought I would check to see what the most popular blogs are in 2019.
5 of The Most Searched Topics According Ubbersuggest
- Fashion blogs – 18,100 searches a month
- Travel blogs – 18,100 searches a month
- Food blogs – 14,800 searches a month
- Lifestyle blogs – 9,900 searches a month (here’s a list of 171 lifestyle blog post ideas you can start with)
- Beauty blogs – 8,100 searches a month
If you take a look at these top 5 topics compared to the top 5 of SEMRush, you’ll notice that the numbers are the same in the top 5.
When I did this research, I had no clue what I was going to get. It’s actually an eye opener to how useful Ubbersuggest can be to help you do keyword research.
Sure you’re not going to get the benefits of using SEMRush. But Ubbersuggest a be a great place to start.
I was going to do some keyword research with LongTailPro, but I didn’t want to eat up my 10,000 monthly credits to do this search.
Although, I have no doubt that the number of searches would be the same as I got with the two tools I got above.
Hopefully, this experiment helped you see that even if you don’t have the money to invest in a keyword tool, you can still take the time to find the right search phrases you should be using for your blog.
If you want to do some research yourself, you can sign up for the Risk-Free 7-day trial and see if there’s a difference on that tool.
Popular Blog Topics In 2019
At the time of this writing, I am not paying for SEMRush, so I don’t have access to it to create a niche list of which topics are hot.
I wanted to update this list for 2019, I thought I would create a list of the best topics for blogs using KWFinder.
You’ll find some of the most popular types of blogs to start along with their monthly searches.
I’ve even put the Keyword SEO difficulty score next to them to let you know whether they are easy to rank for or not.
If you’re not familiar with the color-coded system, read this blog post.
Types of Blogs
- Lifestyle Blogs: 9900 searches – Green Still Easy
- Travel Blogs: 60,620 searches – Orange Possible
- Fashion Blogs: 18,225 searches – Orange Possible
- Food Blogs: 49,500 – Orange Possible
- Beauty Blogs: 33100 – Orange Possible
- Music Blogs: 8094 – Green Still Easy
- Wedding Blogs: 5418 – Orange Possible
As you can see, the results haven’t changed much from 2018. I’m pretty sure that they won’t change much in the upcoming years. All these blog topics have the potential to get a lot of traffic.
It’s not hard to find some lifestyle bloggers who have been blogging for 5 or more years. That’s because lifestyle blogs are some of the most visited blogs.
If you were to start a blog on any of these subjects, you should be able to see some success. As long as you’re patient and willing to give it time to work.
How to Find Trending Topics
I’m a firm believer on finding a topic that is growing with time. I personally wouldn’t chase a hot or trending topic that will die out after all the fuss.
But if you’re the type of blogger who wants to jump on the bandwagon of trending topics, you don’t have to look far. Pinterest is a great place to start.
In fact, check out this post to find the Pinterest 100: The top trends for 2019.
Another place to look is Google Trends. If you have a blog idea, you can input that into the search bar and it will show you whether that term or topic is trending.
The cool thing is that you can even go back and see what was trending in the United States in 2018. It will break it down into the following categories:
- Searches
- News
- People
- Actors
- Athletes
- Beauty Questions
- Diet
- Fashion Brands
- Fashion Searches
- Food
- GIFs
- How to
- Loss
- Movies
- Musicians and Bands
- Politicians
- Professional Sports Teams
- Songs
- TV Shows
- Weddings
- What is…?
- Where is..?
- Who…?
- World Cup Teams
- Video Games
Finding Your Topics
Now that you have a list of the most popular blogs people like reading, you can use this list to start your blog. This information can help you come up with a content marketing strategy as well.
For instance: Music blogs get a ton of searches and can be a profitable niche if you choose the right monetization methods.
Before you start writing content on your music blog or any other blog you start. I would head on over to the search engine to find other blogs in your niche.
This will help you see what type of content is working for them. Remember, you’re not stealing their content, you’re just trying to see what their audience loves to read. After all, their audience is interested in music.
Don’t forget to add Google Analytics to your blog to see where your traffic is coming from. This will help you know what your site’s visitors like and which social media platforms are sending you the most traffic.
Maybe you’ve been considering starting a second blog?
I know that a lot of people want to start a blog but have no clue what to write about. Hopefully, this blog niche list will show you topics that are proven to work.
If I was into fashion, you can bet that I would consider starting a second blog. But unfortunately, I have no fashion sense so writing content would suck for me.
I know that a lot of people say that as long as the niche is profitable, you can start a blog in it. Yes, this might work for some people.
However, it doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried starting blogs in niches just based on profitability. I quickly discovered that if I have no interest in the niche, I am NOT going to stick with it.
Most popular blogs have hundreds of articles in their archives. That’s why I always suggest before starting a blog in 2018 and beyond, make sure you’re interested in the topic. Don’t forget to check out my step-by-step tutorial guide to starting a blog on SiteGround.
If you can’t see yourself coming up with 50-100 unique blog ideas to write about, then I wouldn’t pursue the topic.
Getting Started
If you’ve been putting off getting started because you’re not sure what to blog about, there’s no reason to keep putting it off.
It’s time to just jump in and get started. You don’t have to be an expert when you get started. The truth is that there is always so much to learn in blogging.
If you waited until you knew everything, you’ll never get started. So stop making excuses and jump in with both feet. That’s what I did when I started this blog.
Yes, it’s true that this isn’t my first blog. This is the first blog that I’ve stuck with for as long as I have.
You’ll learn how to write content that helps your audience. If you still don’t know who your audience then takes the time to find out who you’re trying to help with your blog before you spend a lot of time on your content.
After all, if you don’t know who you’re talking to. It’s going to be challenging to write content that actually helps people. Remember, your blog is NOT about you.
Final Take Away
We all want to start a blog on a trending topic that gets tons of searches. After all, growing a blog takes a lot of time. If you haven’t started a blog yet, you’re about to find out how hard it is to be a blogger.
It was fun doing this research for you. Hopefully, it helps you see that some blogs are more popular than others.
Let me know if you do decide to start one based on one of these topics. I’d love to hear about it and what made you choose to start one in that niche.
Hand Picked Articles for You
- What Kind of Blog Should I Start for The Confused and Clueless
- 7 Reasons You Need to Find Popular Blog Topics People Love
- 22 Pros and Cons of Blogging You Need to Consider
Are you already blogger? If so then let me know if you started one in the most searched topics above. I’d love to hear how your journey is going.
Another exciting article on your blog today Susan. I was on Twitter when you tweeted this post and I immediately remembered a blog I once visited in the past. The guy actually blogged about ants. It was weird but he was banking something over $3k a month. I can’t remember the url any more as it’s been ages.
Just to say there are these popular topics. But some hidden topics do exist. Though their traffic may be very low, it happens to be super targeted.
Thanks for bringing me again here where I like to be
Hi Enstine,
Wow, 3k on an ant niche, that’s pretty cool. It goes to show when you take the time to find topics that are not so competitive you can carve yourself a nice little corner on the Internet.
For my second blog, I’m going to try to find a niche that isn’t so competitive. Whenever I do start my second blog?
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Hi Susan thanks for this helpful post! Some of these tools are brand new to me so I’ll have to check them out and see how it goes. Thanks again.
Hi Nicole,
Glad I could introduce you to some new tools.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.
Have a great day 🙂
I didn’t even know I needed this until i saw your pin and curiousity got better of me.Wow this is so amazing.It puts so much into perspective,i didn’t even thing some of the topics were so popular.Going to try out some of the tools this week for sure.
Thanks for a great post
Hi Juelz,
Yeah, there’s a lot of blogging tools available to help us grow our blogs. Let me know how it goes for you.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂