Last updated on August 1st, 2018 at 06:54 pm
What is a lifestyle blog? More and more women are starting lifestyle blogs and today. After doing a search on some of the most demanding blog topics, I can see why. So today, I thought I would show you everything you need to know about these trending niche blogs to help you determine if it’s right for you.
Finding the right topic to start a blog on can be challenging. If you’ve been contemplating starting one, then head on over here to learn how to start a blog. I’ve also compiled a bunch of WordPress tutorials to help you learn the basics.
What Is A Lifestyle Blog
Between you and me, when I started this blog, I considered starting one. I’ve seen so many and actually follow some and enjoy reading them. (I’ll share some of them with you later)
But after sitting down and thinking about it for awhile, I decided to start this WordPress blog. The main reason I chose this niche is that it’s what I am familiar with.
Yes, I could’ve started my own lifestyle blog or even a fashion blog. But between you and I, there’s no way that I would’ve enjoyed writing about those subjects.
I know that some people say it doesn’t matter if you enjoy the topic or not, as long as it makes money. Unfortunately it just doesn’t work for me that way. If I have no interest in what I’m writing about, I won’t keep it up.
That’s why I chose the blogging niche and share my experience with WordPress.
I’ve started blogs and worked with WordPress for over 8 years. I figured why not start in the blogging niche? This way, whenever I sit down to write an article it won’t take me long.
However, recently I’ve been considering starting a second blog. Since I am already 2 months ahead with my content on this blog, I think it would be a good time to think about a second blog.
One of the biggest issues I’ve had in the past is choosing a niche that I like. I always seem to gravitate towards the blogging niche.
But recently I’ve been considering starting a second blog. I personally think it’s a lot safer to have more than one, that way all your eggs aren’t in one basket.
Although, you don’t want to start two at the same time. It’s just too much work, but once you have one that’s ahead and is getting some traffic and making money, you can think about starting another one.
Plus who knows the second one may take off a lot faster than the original one you started.
This past weekend I did a bunch of research to find out what a lifestyle blog is and what type of content they write. This is what I found.
It is a website documenting one’s personal life. A lifestyle blogger writes and publishes content based on different aspects of their lives.
No, it’s still NOT personal blogging where it’s all about you. You still want your content to help your reader’s. After all, we all know that people who visit blogs are looking for solutions to their problems.
As a lifestyle blogger, it may be a little more challenging if you’re writing content about a hotel you stayed at while visiting Disneyworld. Instead of just sharing pictures of the hotel, you could talk about why you made the decision to stay at that hotel.
Whenever I think of a lifestyle blog, It makes me think of reality television shows. Personally, I don’t like them.
But I know that a lot of people love the Keeping Up With the Kardashians reality show.
Based On Your Own Point of View
Unlike most other blogs on the Internet, these types of blogs are not very specific. One of the things you might have heard people say is you need to niche down if you want Google to know what your blog is about.
Yes, it should be easier to grow a blog that is tightly niched. As long as you’re doing the right things to grow your blog. A lifestyle blog has different types of blog content that falls into several different categories.
Let’s take a look at some of them.
Types of Lifestyle Blogs You Can Start
- Single Living
- Country Living
- Trendy Living
- Minimalism Living
- Minimalist Lifestyle
- New York Lifestyle
- Blended Family
- Nomadic Lifestyle
- Hippie Lifestyle
- Urban Lifestyle
- Everyday Living
- City Living
- Single Family Income Living
- French Living
- Oklahoma Living
- Southern Living
- All-Natural Living
- Handmade Lifestyle
- Gay Lifestyle
- Charleston Living
- and on…and on it’s never ending
Basically, it doesn’t matter where you live or who you are. As long as you enjoy writing about your personal life or your point of view on topics, you can become a lifestyle blogger.
Lifestyle Blog Categories
Before you start writing your first blog post, you’ll want to take the time to set up your categories. This will make it easier to set up your blog navigation so people will know how to find what they are looking for.
So let’s take a look at some of the categories you will find on a lifestyle blog.
- Fashion
- Travel
- Food
- Faith
- DIY/Crafts
- Marriage
- Homemaking
- Beauty
- Budgeting
- Hobbies
- Relationships
- Home Decor
- Organization
- Family Life
- Health
- Self-Help
There are literally tons of different categories you can start a lifestyle blog in. This is the reason why so many people love these types of blogs.
They are not tied to a specific niche and this makes writing so much easier.
What Does A Lifestyle Blogger Write About
As I mentioned above, you’ll find content that is based around the blogger’s point of view (POV). You can still curate content on the Internet and get ideas for your blog.
But many successful lifestyle bloggers always add their own personal stories or POV to their content. After all, that’s one of the reasons that people enjoy reading their blogs.
These weblogs give us an inside look at the blogger’s life.
Now that you know what these blogs are. It’s time to look at some of the common questions that new bloggers might have if they are just entering the blogging world.
How to Earn Money From Opening A Lifestyle Blog?
Chances are you are starting your blog because you enjoy writing or you hope that you’ll be able to monetize it in hopes of creating a profitable blog.
Well, the great news is that you can make money blogging as long as you’re aware of how you want to make money. A lifestyle blog can be monetized and over time can turn into a profitable venture.
While it won’t happen overnight, it has huge potential to make you money. But then success doesn’t happen overnight with any blog, regardless of which niche you’re in.
If this is your first time trying to start a blog, sign up for this Free 12 Day Blogging Bootcamp course to help you learn the basics.
Name Suggestions For Lifestyle Blog?
Naming a blog can take some time, especially if you want it to grow with you over time. I’ve personally made the mistake of buying several domain names in the past thinking that it was an awesome name.
Only to realize a few days later that the name doesn’t let people know what I’m about. Yes, I know that your about page can let people know what you’re about.
But believe it or not, without the right name, you will have a difficult time pivoting and turning later on if your blog changes directions.
So let’s look at some name suggestions to help you get started brainstorming. Here’s an article that will walk you through on how to choose a blog name you’ll absolutely love.
Before you register your domain, take a look at these articles to help you get your creative juices flowing:
- 100+ Cool Name Ideas for A Fashion Blogger
- 150 Stunningly Creative Name Suggestions for Your New Blog
Here are a few names that I found online that are already in existence that will encourage your creativity.
- A House in the Hills
- The Londoner
- The Financial Diet
- 2 Cats and Chloe
- A Fashion Fix
One of the cool things about naming your blog is that you can get as creative as you want.
Is Lifestyle Blogging Still Popular In 2018 and Beyond?
No one wants to start a blog in a niche that doesn’t have any potential. After all, blogging is hard work and is going to require a lot of your time.
Anyone who tells you that blogging is NOT time-consuming is lying. Starting one is easy, but growing it into a profitable venture that makes money is going to require a lot of work on your part.
So it makes sense to ask if they are popular. When I did research on the most popular blog topics, these types of blogs got over 9,900 searches per month.
I’d say without a doubt that it would be worth the investment of your time.
How to Start A Lifestyle Blog?
It’s no different than any other blog. In fact, you can get your blog started for less than $4.00 per month by using the same hosting that I use. Once your blog is set up, you will need to sit down and think about what your interests are.
This will help you categorize your blog categories. This will make it easy for readers to find what they want to read without spending a lot of time navigating your website. Plus it will help you improve your bounce rate and Google will love you for it.
Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to show you how to add Google Analytics to your WordPress blog.
Let’s quickly look at how to categorize food blogs.
- Appetizers
- Breakfast
- Dessert
- Drinks
- Main Dishes
- Salads
- Side Dishes
- Soups
Now every time you sit down to write blog content, you want to make sure that it falls into one of the categories on your blog.
That’s it, now all you have to do is come up with some great topics and social media content that your readers will love to read.
It doesn’t matter what type of blog you have, you would follow this advice for fashion blogs, food blogs, travel blogs and etc.
Lifestyle Blogs to Follow
I know that writing content can be challenging, especially if you’re a new blogger. So I thought I would show you some of my favorite lifestyle bloggers.
Hopefully, by visiting some popular blogs, you’ll be able to come up with your own post ideas for your own blog.
Take the time to browse some of these sites to see why they are successful. Your goal isn’t to copy them word for word. But instead just to get some ideas you can use for yours.
#1 The Beachy Blonde
This blogger shares bits and tidbits of her life from living in the beautiful emerald coast of the Florida panhandle. You’ll notice that she is no different than you and I.
She’s just managed to take her interests and grow a following.
#2 A Cup of Jo
This website covers everything from, style, food, travel, relationships, and motherhood. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to be tied to one specific niche, you can definitely pick up some nuggets from this blogger.
She was featured in Forbes as one of the “Top 10 Lifestyle Websites for Women.”
#3 The Blonde Salad
The blog was started in 2009 and started off as an outfit blog. It then evolved into a fashion and fashion and travel magazine.
Today, it offers it’s readers a 360-degree lifestyle experience. This is a great website that will show you how a blog can change over time.
Plus they have also been featured in a top site The Guardian.
#4 Goop
This is a lifestyle brand that has content in the wellness, travel, food, beauty, style and work categories. They’ve done a great job of turning their blog into a successful blog.
In fact, they have been featured on top sites like The New York Times, Vogue and Fast Company.
There are literally thousands of other lifestyle bloggers that will teach you a thing or two about starting a lifestyle blog and growing it into a successful online venture.
Are You Ready to Start Yours?
Now that you’ve seen some examples of lifestyle blogs, it’s time to decide if you’re ready to start yours? Based on all the research that I have done, I think that with a little bit of hard work and an amazing Pinterest strategy, you can do very well with it.
Pinterest will be your best friend with these types of blogs. If you’re completely new to the platform, I recommend investing in the Pinning Perfect course.
It’ll cut down your learning curve so you won’t have to spend countless hours trying to find free information online.
How I Would Do It
Everyone wants to make money as quickly as possible. Here’s what I would do if I started one of these blogs. I would try to launch my blog with 5-10 blog posts that I know do very well on Pinterest.
Yes, you can always start your blog with just one blog post. (that’s how I started this blog) If you have more than one post when you start on Pinterest, you’ll have more of your own content that you can pin.
Keep creating content and more pins. Basically, you’re going to rinse and repeat and tweak along the way until you’re able to get the results you want.
Unfortunately, there is no straight path to success. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. But that’s okay, you can figure it out as long as you don’t quit.
The thing you want to focus on is getting your content out in front of your audience. It won’t happen overnight, but these blogs do very well on Pinterest.
Once you start getting traffic from Pinterest, then it’s time to start focusing more on SEO. (search engine optimization)
Final Take Away
As you can see, you can’t go wrong if you start one. However, when you take a look at the ones that I’ve shared, they have been blogging for years.
So don’t think that you can start one today and see immediate success. Blogging is a long-term goal but as long as you treat it like a business, I have no doubt that you’ll see the growth that you want.
The only reason that people don’t succeed, is they start with unrealistic expectations and quit when they don’t start making money in their first 6 months.
Hand Picked Articles for You
- How to Come Up with A Great Blog Name
- 22 Pros and Cons of Blogging You Need to Consider
- 11 Tips to Help You Find Your Niche That Will Help You Out
Now that you know what these blog are, do you think you’ll start one? After doing this research, it’s made me think twice about starting a second blog in this niche.
Let me know what you think about these types of blogs and if you think you’ll ever start one. I’d love to hear what you think about them.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for clearing one of biggest doubt. I always thought lifestyle blogs as every day life blogging.
The Beachy Blonde looks a perfect example of lifestyle blogs and one other blogger should follow.
Thanks again.
– Shafi
Hi Shafi,
I’ve always thought that about lifestyle blogs. But since I’ve been seeing so many of them, I thought that I would find out what they really were.
There are some really good ones out there and glad that you liked one of the ones that I shared.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂