Last updated on July 19th, 2019 at 11:25 am
Types of blog posts can make the difference between your blog growing or not. Do you ever struggle coming up with some blog post ideas that you can write about? If so then I am going to share 15 types of blog posts that will help you learn how to write a blog post that will help you grow your blog.
As a blogger, you need to keep your blog updated on a regular basis. Once you choose a blogging schedule, it’s your job to have fresh content updated on a regular basis.
Coming up with content ideas or blog post ideas can be a challenge. Especially, if you’re a new blogger. However, it doesn’t have to be too complicated. You can start using these different types of blog post ideas to start filling up your WordPress scheduler.
Writer’s Block Is Real For So Many New Bloggers
I still remember when I started my very first blog, in the warts niche. (I never should’ve started that blog) Whenever it came down to write a new blog post, I couldn’t for the life of me think of what to write.
For one, I was in the wrong niche. I know that many people will say that it really doesn’t matter about the niche as long as it has the potential to make money, then you’re golden.
Yes, it may work that way for some. But for me, I have to have some interest and knowledge in the niche if I want to be successful.
If you’re in a niche that you’re struggling on writing content for, then maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you’re in the right niche. Are you truly passionate about the niche?
Or did you make the same mistake that I made several years ago and are only chasing the money?
How to Use These Blog Post Ideas
While it’s great to sit here and read about all the different blog posts posts you can write for your blog. The truth is that you’ll benefit more if you actually take action and start implementing them into your blog content.
While I admit that not all these types of blog posts will work for your blog. It’s your job to test them out and see which ones vibe most with your audience.
15 Types of Blog Posts to Help You Grow Your Blog
#1 How – to’s and Tutorials
Many people who come to the Internet and land on your blog are looking to solve a particular problem. Chances are you landed on this blog because you needed help with a specific problem.
If you can show people how to accomplish something or give them a step-by-step tutorial, chances are you will gain a new reader. Whenever they need help with something, chances are they will come back to your blog to see if you can help them out.
How to’s and tutorials are awesome to write, because they help you establish your credibility and expertise. As you know, I personally write a lot of WordPress tutorials for beginners.
Even though I share a lot of tutorials that help beginners do things on their own. I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me and try to hire me to help them with their blogs.
pic people reaching out
If you still haven’t written these types of blog posts, then maybe it’s time to start writing them. Let people know that you’re an expert at doing something and you’ll be amazed at how much engagement and shares these types of posts get.
#2 Case Studies
People love reading about others successes and failures. For some reason it’s easier to read about why something worked or didn’t work by reading someone elses’s experience, instead of trying something for ourselves.
Have you recently tried something new and what type of results did you get? Maybe it’s time that you share it in a case study blog post with your audience.
I wrote one not too long about that talked about how I wrote a blog series for my blog. Believe it or not, I wasn’t going to write it because I didn’t get the type of results that I wanted with the blog series.
The cool thing is that you can write case studies on anything. Here are some awesome examples to help you get an idea of the types of case studies you can write.
6 Awesome Case Studies to Make Money Blogging
- Google Adsense Case Study: How My Pet Care Blog Makes Money
- The $1 Million Per Month Site In the Survival Niche & Learn How to Emulate It
- How Two Moms Are Making $5,000 Per Month Online
- Blogging Case Study: Increasing Web Traffic 1000% In 8 Weeks
- How We Got 1,000+ Subscribers from a Single Blog Post in 24 Hours
These are all great case studies and will give you a look and feel of how to write a case study. If you do write one, be sure to let me know, I’d love to see it.
#3 List Posts
List posts are awesome, because you’re just providing your readers information that is streamlined in a numbered list that’s easy for them to share and take action on.
They can scan your blog post and get the necessary information they need.
Related: How to Use Pinterest for Business Trying A New Strategy
List posts are easy to write and don’t take very long. From my personal experience, I have noticed that odd numbered list posts get more shares than even numbered.
Test it out for yourself and see which ones do the best for you.
#4 Motivational Posts
We all love the story of how an underdog was able to overcome failure to achieve success. Have you overcome something that will motivate your readers?
If so then maybe it’s time to open up and share your story. Not only will you be able to motivate your readers, but it’s a great way to open up and let them know a little about YOU.
#5 Blog Series
Sometimes you have so much to say, you can’t get it all in one blog post.
You can break it up into different parts until you say everything you need to say. It’s also a great way to help you build anticipation with your readers. Don’t forget to link to your blog series posts to each other to help your readers navigate from post to post.
Let’s take a look at some examples of some blog series posts that you can write and how to format them.
Blog Series Examples
- 25 Free Tools and Resources for Bloggers (this is my blog series)
- 12 Days of Pinterest Tips
#6 Ultimate Guide Post
This type of blog post will usually be around 4,000 plus words long. It’s a comprehensive post on a topic in your niche.
When you write this type of post, you’ll want to make sure that you cover everything about the topic. You’ll want to make sure that you cover everything that your reader needs to know about the particular topic.
These aren’t the types of blog posts you can write in 30 minutes. It takes time, but if done correctly, they can bring you some awesome results.
Ultimate Guide Posts Examples
- Ultimate Guide to Writing Epic Content That Will Go Viral
- The Ultimate Guide to SEO for E-Commerce Websites
- The Ultimate to Blog Comment Traffic
Ultimate Guide to Google Analytics for Beginners WalkThrough (this one is mine)
It does take a while to write an ultimate blog post, but if done correctly, you’ll get some great results.
#7 Interview Post
If you’re having a hard time growing your audience, try interviewing an influential blogger in your niche. Many of them will be happy to give you an interview, even if you have a small audience on your blog.
Remember, every blogger stays busy. If you do reach out to a blogger for an interview, make sure that you make is as easy as possible for them to participate in your interview.
I still haven’t done an interview styled post on this blog. Maybe one day, I’ll take the time to do this.
Examples of Intereview Posts
- Interview With Michelle From Making Sense of Cents
- How to Start A Blog: A Success Story With Ryan Biddulph
- Interview With Elna Caine: Full-Time Income From Freelancing Part-Time
As you can see, all these blog post interviews are formatted differently. The important thing to remember when write an interview post is to ask questions that people would want to know about.
If you do write an interview blog post and it doesn’t get the type of results you expected. That’s okay, you can write another one and just ask different types of questions.
#8 Reviews
There are literally thousands of blog’s online that write nothing but reviews. If you don’t have a review styled blog, this doesn’t mean that you can’t write a review every once in a while.
If you’re using a product in your business that you absolutely love, you should consider writing a review on it. You can share your experience and expertise with the product. In addition, you can include your affiliate links and you might just be able to make some money with your honest review.
#9 Checklists
Maybe you don’t have the time to write long form content or just don’t feel like writing a regular styled blog post. That’s okay, you can write a good ‘ol fashioned checklist. Checklists are more of a instructional recipe than a full-blown article.
People tend to love these types of blog posts because they are shorter pieces of information that can be absorbed quickly. I personally love these types of blog posts, because they allow me to get all the information at once and take action.
Examples of Checklist Posts
- Finally! A Checklist For Social Media Marketing That Actually Helps
- Essential: A 44-Point Checklist For Starting A Blog
- 75 Point Pinterest Checklist for 2018
Hopefully, these examples will provide you some inspiration to write your own checklist blog post.
#10 Infograpahics
If done correctly, infographics can help you drive traffic to your blog. The downside is that it does take a while to learn how to create some amazing infographics that people actually want to use for their blogs.
However, if you do create an infographic and market it correctly, it will be on the Internet working for you 24/7.
Examples of Infographics
- How do Colors Affect Purchases
- The Complete Guide to Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing
- [Infographic] The Secrets of a Killer Blog Post
#11 Talking Head Videos
If you would rather sit in front of a camera and talk instead of writing, you can try the talking head video. All you need is a great camera and a microphone. You sit in front of the camera and just talk about a particular blog topic.
It’s kind of like writing a blog post, but you’re talking about the subject instead. Once you’re done recording the video, you can upload it to YouTube and embed it into your blog post.
If you’re new to being in front of the camera, it can be challenging. The thing to remember is that we all have to start from somewhere. The more you practice the better you will get.
The important thing is that not everyone loves watching these types of videos. Test it out and see what type of engagement you get with these talking head videos.
#12 How to Videos
We all know that people come to the Internet for help to solve a particular problem. Some people learn more when you show them how to do something instead of just reading about it.
I love creating how-to videos and my audience loves these types of videos. They are easy to create and you can use them to grow your YouTube channel and your blog.
Here’s an example of a how-to video I created that people love.
#13 Resources or Link Lists (your own posts)
These are kind of similar to list posts, but the difference is that you create a post or page on your own blog that has a list of your popular blog posts in one place.
As your blog continues to grow, your blog posts die in the archives. This can make it impossible to show people your amazing blog posts that can help them out.
Take the time to create a post or page and curate your most popular blog posts on it. Don’t forget to add an opt-in email form to collect those emails. Here’s how my blog report updates look like and here are my blogging tips for beginners looks like.
#14 Lessons Learned and Failure Posts
What I’ve noticed whenever I write a lesson learned or failure post is that people love them. Apparently, people love reading about other people’s failures or lessons learned.
I guess it’s easier to read about someone else’s failures about something than to venture out and experiment on your own. I’ve written a couple of lessons learned blog posts and the response I got was amazing.
Sit down and share lessons learned or failures post with your audience. At first, you’ll be hesitant to share because these types of posts open you up to vulnerability.
But what I’ve found is that people love it when you can share something vulnerable with them.
#15 Controversial Posts
If you’re the type of person who loves controversy, you can consider taking a stance on a controversial subject your audience is passionate about. Just be ready to get some angry comments from the other side.
You’re going to have to have thick skin if you do decide to write a controversial post. Don’t expect to just write something and everyone is going to agree with you.
Which Type of Blog Post Should I Write
While I would love to tell you that if you write a specific type of blog post, you’ll get the most engagement. The truth is that you need to experiment with different types of blog posts and see what your audience love.
If you write a specific blog post and you don’t get the type of results you wanted. It doesn’t necessarily mean that those blog posts won’t work on your blog. Maybe you just need to write another one in a different blog topic.
Whatever you do, just experiment with different types of blog posts and over time you will see your blog start to grow like wildfire.
The truth is that there are literally tons of different blog posts that you can write for your blog. So go out there and start writing and experimenting and see what works best for your blog growth.
Final Take Away
It takes time to grow a blog. As long as you’re consistent and keep on track with your blogging schedule, you will see growth. It may not be as fast as you want it to be.
But the truth is that’s okay. This gives you time to find out what you want to do and get comfortable with your blogging skills.
If you still haven’t started your blog then be sure to check out my blogging tips for beginners. You’ll find tons of my most helpful blog posts to help you start, grow and monetize your own blog.
Hand Picked Articles for You
- The First Blog Post Is The Scariest Why You Need to Do It
- How to Schedule Posts On WordPress and Batch Your Content
- How to Blog Effectively When You’re Feeling Stuck
Do you have a favorite type of blog post that you like to write? If so share it with us and tell us why you love writing it.
Thanks for the post. There’s some ideas in here for me ๐
Hi Friso,
Glad you enjoyed the post.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Great article! I learned a lot and picked up some tips for future blog posts. It’s definitely been a struggle to grow my blog and yes, it definitely takes time!
Hi Sarina,
It is hard to grow a blog. It takes consistent daily action, just keep at it and I have no doubt that you’ll start to see the results you want.
Good luck with your blog and thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hey Susan!
This is a great list of blog post ideas!
Some of my favorite ones are video tutorials, ultimate guides, and controversial posts. I would say that controversial blog posts tend to get more traffic and a lot of times they could go viral. People just love to share drama, right.
I’m doing more video this year because I have to rebuild the Youtube channel of my blog and I’m looking forward to it. It’s fun!
Thank you for sharing these helpful tips!
Best regards! ๐
wow, what an awesome resource. I have bookmarked it and will get back to it again, and again. Thanks.
Hi Susan,
This article surely is helpful and to be used whenever there is a lack of ideas about what to write. All bloggers face this difficulty and need this kind of guide. It is a kind of instant solution.
You have obviously done a good deal of study about what kind of topics are always welcome by readers. This result of your study and observation is a long list of evergreen topics.
Thanks for sharing these valuable tips with us. Have a great day!
Hi Freddy,
Sounds like we like writing some of the same posts, except controversial. I’d rather not start drama on my blog.
But you’re right, everyone loves drama.
I’ve heard you mention that you’ll be rebuilding your YouTube channel.
Good luck with that, I need to eventually get back to mine.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Naveen,
It can be challenging coming up with blog content for a blog after a while.
Hopefully, these ideas give new bloggers a jump to their creative juices on the types of blog posts they can write.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Claudia,
I’m glad you found it helpful.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hello Susan,
Thank you for sharing our 75 Point Pinterest Checklist for 2018 for Pinterest account managers.
Hi Anna,
You’re welcome and thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
I have tried some of these post types, and I can confirm they work like How to, this is what all bloggers should read including those planning to start blogging.
Hi John,
Glad to hear that you’ve had success with some of these post types.
I actually love writing the how to type of blog posts.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
How to guides and tutorials are flooding the internet. Some are outdated and some are refreshing. Case studies are always important that a professional cannot ignore.
People also like to spend time on the sites that give to the point information or on the blogs that talk about the points in story telling way.
Interviews, controversial posts, and infographics are also good way to boost blog engagement.
Thanks for sharing all the blog post ideas.
Hi Gaurav,
Case studies are awesome. Not only do I like writing them, but I love reading them as well.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
I’ve been trying to find my groove lately, so my blogging patterns have fluctuated a bit. I love this idea list and I’ve used a few of these already. I’ll definitely be trying out a few more ๐
Hi Loretta,
It definitely takes time to get into a blogging groove. Keep at it and let me know how it goes.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Thank you for this post, Susan! A very informative post for newbie bloggers as well those who wish to increase their traffic– like me! ๐
Hi Shilpa,
Glad you enjoyed it and let me know which type of blog post you write and if it helps you with your traffic.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐