Last updated on May 7th, 2019 at 10:26 am
15 habits of successful bloggers that you can implement to see success. Have you ever wondered what habits and qualities that you need in order to become a successful blogger? How have they been able to make thousands from their blogs, when you’re barely getting any page views?
What’s the secret sauce? What are they doing differently than you and what habits can you start changing to ensure that you see some success?
Well, I am going to share the qualities and habits that you need to work on to make your blogging journey easier.
I’m sure that there are several other qualities and habits that a blogger should have. However, i felt like these would be the most beneficial for a new blogger who’s just getting started with their blog.
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What You Need to Know About Blogging
Starting a blog is so exciting. How do I know this?
Because I’ve started so many that I lost count. This is the first blog that I’ve actually stayed the course and am doing everything possible to grow a full-time income.
It hasn’t always been easy, there have been days when I have felt like quitting. Especially, those days when no matter what I do, I am not making forward progress as quickly as I would like.
Maybe you know what I’m talking about?
You see everyone around you grow faster than you. Then that little voice starts messing with you and you start second-guessing yourself that this blogging stuff isn’t for you.
Well, you know what? It is for you especially if you just stick with it. Now, I am not going to tell you that you’ll earn six figures from your blog.
But I will tell you that if you stick with it and monetize your blog, you will make some money. Read this if you want to know how bloggers make money with their blog.
What All Successful Bloggers Have In Common
While it may seem that every successful blogger has something that you and I don’t. But the truth is that there is no secret to building a successful blog. Sure some people may have more technical or marketing experience than you.
But none of us were born bloggers. What really makes a blogger successful is the habits that they’ve developed over time.
The cool thing is that you can develop these habits too. In fact, I’ve compiled some of the top 15 habits of successful bloggers. These are all things that you can start doing today. It’s going to take work, are you ready?
#1 They Understand The Value of Pinterest
As a new blogger, one of the most challenging things you’re going to face is getting blog traffic. Every blogger struggles with this when they first start their blog.
Ask most bloggers and they will tell you that Pinterest helped them build their blog quickly.
Now I don’t want you to think that just because you start your Pinterest account today, you’ll start seeing traffic tomorrow. Unfortunately, Pinterest comes with a learning curve.
However, it’s a lot easier and quicker to learn than Google SEO. Whatever you do, start focusing on using Pinterest.
Related Pinterest Articles:
- 2 Pinterest Scheduling Tools You Need to Take A Look At
- How to Grow Blog Traffic With Pinterest
- 13 Pinterest Tips and Tricks You Should Know by Now
#2 Write Every Day
Many bloggers will tell you that it’s important to write every day. Developing this habit will help you stay ahead on your blog content. Plus you’ll be able to write your blog posts faster over time.
If you only sit down to write content when you’re ready to publish a new blog post. It’s going to be hard to write an amazing blog post that actually helps your audience.
Start getting into the habit of writing every day. Eventually, you’ll be so far ahead on your blog schedule, it will make it so much easier to take time off from your blog.
#3 Batching Your Blog Duties
It seems like there is always something to do as bloggers. One of the mistakes that we’ve all done is we try to do so much. At the end of the day, we realize that we didn’t get anything done.
I used to look at successful bloggers and wonder how the heck did they get all that accomplished? How the heck did they publish a brand new blog post, record a Facebook Live, interact on social media and create a new product?
Ye,s a lot of successful bloggers have virtual assistants that help them get everything done. While most of us new bloggers don’t have the fortune to do that. It doesn’t mean that we can’t learn how to manage our time better to accomplish what we need to get done.
For those that don’t have a virtual assistant, they use batching as a way to get more done.
Guess what, you can batch your tasks as well. Here’s how you do it.
Say it takes you six hours to write a blog post, proofread it, create all your social media images and schedule your social media posts. Instead of doing all these tasks back to back, you would devote one large chunk of time to each task.
Instead of writing one blog post draft, you set some specific time to just sit down and write several blog posts. During this time, you just write, you don’t worry about anything else.
This is a lot easier to do because your not jumping switching gears and trying to do everything. This is known as the Pomodoro Technique.
#4 The Check In With Their Email List Weekly
Every successful blogger is going to tell you that their email list is the reason they’ve been able to have the success they’re having.
If you’re not building your email list, then you need to do that now. You can start building your email list for free on MailerLite. Or you can go with Convertkit and use what most bloggers use.
Either way, you need to start building your list today. Don’t just start building your list and that’s it.
Start sending your email list an email every week. Make sure that you’re sending them quality information that helps them in some way.
By doing this on a weekly basis, you’re building a relationship with your subscribers. Don’t feel like you need to send them an email every time you publish a new post.
I personally send an email to my list every Friday. My list knows when they are going to receive an email list and hopefully they are looking forward to reading them?
#5 Share Other People’s Work
Don’t be one of those people who only share your own work. It’s okay to share your own work, after all, you want to grow your blog.
Sharing other people’s work on social media can be a great way to add value to your readers. Another great thing about sharing other people’s work is that those bloggers will start to notice that you’re sharing their work.
Eventually, some of them will repay your kindness by sharing your work. Trust me it does happen, just don’t share other people’s work hoping to get something in return.
#6 Build Community and Respond to Audience
Successful bloggers realize the importance of building community on their blogs and on social media. If you want to build a successful blog, you need to focus on building community.
How do you start building community on your blog?
It definitely doesn’t happen overnight, here’s a great article to read to help you out. The easiest way to build community on your blog is to respond to comments. Whenever someone takes the time to leave a comment, make sure that you’re taking the time to respond.
#7 Focus On The 80/20 Rule
Successful bloggers realize that not everything they do is going to be worth their effort. As a new blogger, it’s so hard to swallow that only 20% of your efforts will be worth your time.
We work so hard on our blogs, we think that everything we do is so valuable. Not all your blogging tasks are created equally.
Start focusing on those important tasks that actually move you forward. I’d love to tell you what it is, but unfortunately, we all have different blogging goals.
What’s important for me is going to be totally different for you.
#8 They Schedule Their Social Media
There’s always so much to do as a blogger. You can’t afford to spend all your time manually pinning your pins, scheduling tweets and Facebook Posts. If you try to do all your social media by yourself, you’ll never be able to create products to sell, write an Ebook or focus on other money generating tasks.
Social media schedules are awesome. I personally schedule all my Twitter posts, unless I am personally sharing someone’s post. You’re probably thinking that I shouldn’t do this all on automation.
But between you and I, Twitter just doesn’t bring me a lot of traffic to spend a lot of time. Instead, I focus on Pinterest as my social media platform of choice. I do some manual pinning on Pinterest every day.
Now, this doesn’t mean that I don’t rely on automated schedulers for Pinterest. I currently use both Tailwind and BoardBooster to help me out with my pins.
#9 They Write Their Blog Posts In Advance
Successful bloggers work ahead on their editorial calendar. You’ll never hear about a pro blogger who works on their blog post the day that it is scheduled to go live.
I personally couldn’t imagine writing a blog post the night before it is supposed to be published. It would drive me crazy and I would have such a hard time keeping up with my blogging schedule.
For me, I try to have my blog posts scheduled at least a month in advance. Of course, as the weather gets warmer, it’s getting a little harder to do. As long as I can stay ahead 2 weeks in advance, I don’t feel so flustered with everything I need to do.
Planning your editorial calendar in advance will help you plan everything out and know what’s going live on your blog and when. On WordPress, you can use the Editorial Calendar plugin and you can move things around if you need to.
If you don’t want to use another plugin on your blog, you can set up your blog schedule using Google Drive like I do.
#10 They SEO Optimize Their Blog Posts
It’s so easy to focus on Pinterest and forget about all the other traffic methods. But take it from me, every successful blogger takes the time to properly optimize their blog posts.
The great thing is that you can optimize your posts for both Google and Pinterest. So you can get the best of both worlds.
Whatever you do, don’t ignore Google. While you won’t get traffic right away from Google. You do want to make sure that you’re taking the time to optimize your blog.
Once Google starts trusting your site you want to make sure that your blog is properly optimized so you can start getting some traffic. If you’re brand new to SEO, read this from Backlinko.
Don’t forget to use the Yoast SEO Plugin to optimize your blog posts.
#11 Solve Your Readers Problems
I hate to break it to you, but your blog isn’t about you. It’s hard to understand this because after all, you’re the one paying for all the costs to run your blog.
But people who come to your blog don’t care about you. They only care about what you can do for them or how you can help them.
Think about it, when you visit a blog or website online, most likely you’re trying to solve a problem. If you don’t find the solution, you move onto the next site.
Well, this is how your visitors feel. If you can’t help them with their problems, chances are they are never going to return.
However, if you do a great job of helping them with their problems. Chances are they will come back and some of them may even sign up to your email list.
The types of problems that you solve for your readers will vary depending on what your niche is. For example, people come to my blog because they want advice on how to start, grow and monetize a blog. I share tips on blogging, WordPress and making money.
Whatever you do, focus on helping your readers. Before you know it people will be flocking to your blog to read your blog posts.
#12 The Work On Their Patience
Every blogger has had to develop their patience. Maybe you started a blog because you read someone’s income report that shares how they are now making six figures per month with their blog.
To you and I, it may look like that blogger earned that in just a few months or a year. But if you ask most bloggers who have been able to take their blog to a six-figure income, you’ll hear the story of how they had to work day in day out for months or years learning how to turn their blog into a profitable business.
Yes, there are some people who are able to achieve success quickly. But for most people, it’s going to take a lot of time to turn a blog into a profitable business.
If you want to succeed with your blog, you’re going to have to learn how to have patience. Without patience, it’s going to be hard to stick with your blog when you’re not seeing the results you want.
#13 Don’t Give Up
One of the biggest qualities or habits of a successful blogger is that they never gave up. Many of them may have wanted to throw in the towel, but they kept putting one foot in front of the other even when they didn’t feel like doing it.
Blogging is hard, especially at the beginning. It’s a lot harder when you’re not making any money or getting any traffic.
Without traffic, you will never make money with your blog. At times, it’s going to take everything that you have to work on your blog.
The only way that you won’t ever be able to turn your blog into a successful business is if you give up. So if you’re serious about earning with your blog, then you need to keep going.
#14 Treat Their Blog Like A Business
When you start a blog, it’s so easy to treat it like a hobby. Especially, if you’re still working a day job and have a family.
We all struggle with time management issues. Every successful blogger had to face the same issues that you and I face.
The difference is that many of them were willing to sacrifice something in order to work on their blog every day. Maybe they stopped watching television.
Some of them had to give up their weekends because that’s the only time that they had to work on their blogs. I’ve even heard some successful bloggers say that they got up 2 hours before their regular work hours just to work on their blogs.
Regardless of what you need to do. It’s important to treat your blog like a business and this means that you need to work on it every day.
#15 Invest In Their Education
So many new bloggers make the mistake of wanting to learn everything for free. After all, there’s so much blogging information available for free.
Yes, it’s possible to build a successful blog without investing in your education. But this isn’t what most successful bloggers have done.
Many of them will tell you that you need to invest in your education if you want to master something. Now, this doesn’t mean that you want to invest your money in every blogging course out there.
Take the time to do your due diligence and find a course that will actually help you. If you’re a brand new blogger, I recommend the Billionaire Blog Club.
This course is so different than other blogging courses as you get everything under one umbrella. For instance, you’ll learn:
- Content Creation
- Affiliate Marketing
Plus so much more. This is great because it means that you don’t have to spend a ton of money just trying to learn everything that most new bloggers need to learn as their blog grows.
Final Take Away
There is no secret to becoming a successful blogger. The difference is that successful bloggers have learned how to develop these habits and kept working towards their blogging goals.
No, it isn’t easy when you first get your blog started. It takes time to start gaining traction for your blog. But if you just keep working every day on your blog, one day you’ll look back and realize that you’re one of those successful bloggers who made it.
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- How to Get Followers On Your Blog Make the Most of Your Blog Traffic
- 11 Blog Niches That Drive Good Traffic and Make Money
Did I cover all the habits of a successful blogger? If I missed something, feel free to share it. I’d love to hear some other habits that we need to develop to turn our blog into a profitable business.
Hi Susan,
The truth is that blogging is fascinating, but it’s not all about setting up your blog and write content. There is more work to do to become a successful blogger.
Thus, to succeed in this business, you have to follow the ropes lead down by successful bloggers, which is why I love the title of your article. Further, many underestimate the value Pinterest, but the platform works more like Google – a remarkable traffic source.
Writing every day is a great way to hone your writing skills and become a better blogger.
Overall, your article is great. Thank you for sharing Susan.
Hello Susan,
Scheduling your blogging tasks may surely help to be organized and focused on our blogging objectives. You are right in these days hot weather makes it more difficult as temperature soars 40 to 45. I am also trying to publish the post on regular basis and keep my readers active on my blog. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips here.
Have a Great Day ๐
Hi Moss,
You’re right, there’s a lot that goes into blogging. Writing content is just one of the things.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Vishwajeet,
I couldn’t imagine not having a schedule for my blogging tasks. It definitely makes it a lot easier to grow your blog and take much needed time off when you want to step away.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Excellent Susan ๐
Patience. I doubled down in this department recently. I have always been patient. But not patient enough. Neatly enough, as I became more patient about 3 weeks ago I dove into doing highly uncomfortable, freeing stuff persistently. I feel as if I am on the razor’s edge sometimes. I do love my gig but in the same regard it feels highly uncomfortable to work sometimes; all part of the game. But if you’re patient it gets easier and easier to weather storms.
Rocking post my friend!
Hi Ryan,
Unlike you, patience hasn’t been my best virtue. It’s a work in progress but it does get easier the more you work on it.
Glad you enjoyed the post.
Have a great day ๐