Last updated on August 29th, 2018 at 08:28 am
I just wrote a Grammarly review not too long ago. While I do love it, I thought I would share how I am dealing with Grammarly duplication issues.
I’m all for using tools to help me improve my writing. After all, I am NOT the best writer. It seems that I’ve lost some of my grammar skills now that I am no longer in school.
When I heard so much about Grammarly, I thought I’d give it a shot.
I’m not going to pretend I’m a great writer. Grammarly has shown me that I need help with my grammar.
Two weeks into using it, I still love it. However, I’ve noticed that Grammarly is duplicating paragraphs in my content.
Grammarly Duplication in WordPress
If you’re like me, then you sit down and write content. You don’t do anything else, you just write.
I’ve written 3-4 months of content in advance. It’s one of the easiest ways for me to maintain my blogging schedule.
I’ve gotten to where I don’t spend a ton of time on my blog anymore. I make sure that I am taking time off and spending time with my family.
By writing my content months in advance, I’ve been able to take more time off during the Summer.
In fact, I’ve started kayaking and this means that I am usually out on the lake whenever I don’t have client work to do.
Grammarly has been a huge help for making sure that my Grammar sounds good.
However, the past week, I’ve noticed that when I go back to edit my content, my content is being duplicated.
What Do I Mean?
Whenever I write a new blog post, I don’t go back to edit it until days later. I usually wait 3-5 days before I sit down to proofread my scheduled posts.
Before Grammarly, I never had any issues with my content being duplicated.
However, now whenever I make breaks in my paragraphs, I have to make sure that my blog doesn’t have duplicate content.
If you’ll take a look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice that the yellow highlighted sentence got duplicated below in the purple when I entered a break in the paragraph.
All I wanted to do was move the sentences down, so I could make the paragraph smaller and more readable.
Since using Grammarly, I’ve noticed this issue whenever I made breaks in my content.
I figure since so many people are using Grammarly, other people may be having this issue. So, I thought I would figure out how I can best overcome this issue and share it with you.
After all, I am sure that you don’t like dealing with Grammarly duplication issues.
If you’ve found something that stops Grammarly from duplicating paragraphs in WordPress, please let me know.
Contacted Grammarly Support
I figured one of the best ways to figure out how to stop this issue was to contact Grammarly themselves.
After all, if anyone knows how to stop this issue, I figured they would know. So I logged into my account and sent them the following message along with the screenshot from above.
How Fast Did They Get Back Me
I have to admit that I was impressed by how their support got back with me.
It only took them about 15 minutes to respond to my support ticket.
However, they really didn’t give me a solution to the problem. The solution that they gave me was to disable the app to prevent the duplication issues.
How This Is Costing Me Time
As you know, I am currently working as a WordPress freelancer, but trying to move away from that.
I don’t get to spend a ton of time on my blog. So, I have to make sure that I am making the most of my time.
That’s actually why I’ve started batching my blogging tasks. I am more productive when I just sit down to write or create videos for my YouTube channel.
Yesterday, after I finished my 5-mile walk. I figured I would create my social media images for my scheduled posts for August and proofread them afterward.
During the proofreading portion, that’s when I realized that Grammarly is duplicating paragraphs in WordPress.
It’s definitely annoying and now I have to go back and proofread those posts that I proofread yesterday.
That totally sucks.
At first, I thought that the duplication was happening because of a plugin. However, I haven’t added any new plugins since I started using Grammarly.
Dealing With Grammarly Duplication Issues
As you know, I write all my blog posts on localhost using Desktop Server. Once the blog is complete, I’ll copy and paste it into my live blog and schedule it for later in the week or month.
I figure instead of writing the post on a WordPress document, I’ll continue with my system since it seems to work for me.
Once I am done, I’ll copy and paste it into my live blog just like I normally do.
I’ll go through and make sure that my grammar is correct. I won’t actually make content breaks or make changes to the content layout.
Once I’ve read my blog post and everything is good.
I’ll turn off Grammarly just like their support said to do. Then I’ll make any changes to the layout of the content if I need to.
This is what I’ve started doing and it works. Feel free to give it a try and let me know if this speeds up your proofreading process.
It’s definitely helped me out ๐
How to Turn Off Grammarly Inside of WordPress
If you’ll notice Grammarly is sitting at the very bottom of the text editor. Once you’ve made all your grammar changes, click on the little Grammarly icon.
You’ll have the option to disable Grammarly. I choose to disable it to forever on the post. After all, I’ve already checked the Grammar, so I don’t need it anymore.
You can always turn it back on after you make changes to your content layout if you choose to.
Once it’s disabled, you can go back in and move content around and add breaks in your paragraphs.
This is the quickest solution I found to dealing with Grammarly duplication issues on WordPress.
Final Take Away
I’ve just started using Grammarly not too long ago. I love it and it’s definitely made me a faster writer.
You shouldn’t let the duplication issue stop you from using it. Especially, if you’ve found it as helpful as I have. If you still haven’t signed up for your free Grammarly account, you can sign up here.
I would still recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their writing.
Sure it’s a little bit more of a headache to have to deal with these issues. But no one ever said blogging was easy.
Hand Picked Articles for You
- Grammarly Review
- 4 Best Grammarly Alternative Proofreaders to Help You
- Daily Blogging Tasks Responsible For My Growth
Hopefully, this solves the issue of duplicated content on your blog. If you’ve found a way to solve this problem and want to share, let me know in the comments below.
I am always happy to hear what others do to deal with this issue. If you’re not using the Grammarly app, let me know that as well.
Hello Susan,
Yeah we all tend to loose some of our grammer skills, as we leave the school days behind.
Great share here, I have read your previous post on Grammerly and I loved it. I got started with them. Yeah the content being repeated annoyed me after few days. No, doubt the file gets us great deal with our grammer but this was a pain in the
eyes. I contacted my fellow friends who were using this and they faced the same problem.
The screen shots of how to disable the G icon is great find. I will be switching ti right away and wanna try that this does well.
Thanks for the share.
Have a great Weekend ahead.
Hi Shantanu,
I know what you mean, it is frustrating when you have to deal with the duplication issue. Hopefully, when you start disabling it during your editing helps you avoid the issue.
Let me know if this does help you once you give it a try.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and I hope you have a great day ๐
Hey Susan,
I couldn’t notice this. Actually, I am out these days so not getting much time to write. It’s so surprising to see that Grammarly is facing such issue.
Hopefully, it will be fixed within a few days. I am glad to know that someone is there to analyze such things.
Thanks for the info.
Hi Ravi,
Glad to help you realize these types of issues. It’s not really a big deal if you remember to turn off Grammarly once you’re editing.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great one ๐
I’m getting this problem as well. Disabling the extension isn’t a solution for me since I’m using it at the time this happens but I discovered what is causing it for me.
I use another app called Textexpander. If I turn that off, the duplication issues seem to go away. Textexpander does automatic text replacement, like an autocorrect on steroids and I suppose the conflict is there. If you have any other app that does this sort of thing or requires special accessibility permissions (on OSX) that might be exacerbating the problem.
I reached out to both TE and Grammarly and the silence was deafening. Maybe I’ll try again.
Thanks for posting this! We noticed the same problem with Grammarly, and initially thought that it was a problem with our WordPress install.
My experience is very similar to yours (unfortunately!)
I would love to upgrade my entire time to Grammarly Business, but right now, the bug is likely to cause more problems than it solves.
Let’s hope Grammarly will come up with an answer soon.
Hi Oscar,
Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing the duplication issue as well. I haven’t heard of Textexpander, I’ll have to check it out.
It can be a pain to use Grammarly, but I really do like it.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi Claire,
I haven’t upgraded to the Grammarly Business either, but am still using the free version.
Hopefully, they’ll come up with an answer soon.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐