Last updated on August 1st, 2019 at 08:11 pm
Do you have daily blogging tasks that need to be done on a regular basis?
If you’re trying to grow your blog, you know that it can definitely be a challenge. There’s always so much to do and not enough hours in the day to do it. It’s especially, hard if you’re a new blogger and you’re doing everything by yourself.
Now that Summer is here, it’s definitely harder for me to concentrate on my blog. I love being out in the sunshine and we actually just started kayaking.
We purchased some kayaks on Memorial Day weekend and try to get out on the lake every weekend.
I love spending time on the lake. In fact, I’ve stopped mountain biking so we can spend more time kayaking.
There’s something about being out on the water that makes me feel so relaxed.
As you know, I started this blog so I can move away from freelancing. My goal is to move towards affiliate marketing and digital product creation.
To tell you the truth, I’ve never worked on a blog long enough to reap the rewards. I’ve always found myself jumping from one shiny object to the next. I guess, I just found it easier to keep trying new things than to keep working on something that didn’t produce instant results.
This blog is different, I am NOT going to walk away from it, as it is going to help me break away from freelancing. Now I still do offer my limited WordPress services.
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I’ve also got my first digital product on this blog called JumpStart WordPress, you can check it out here.
You also know that I share my blog growth reports every month. Hopefully, by sharing what I’m doing will help you grow your blog.
Growing this blog has definitely been a lot of hard work. However, it’s been fun and exciting to watch my hard work pay off.
Today, I wanted to share some of the tasks that I do on a daily basis that are responsible for this growth.
My Daily Blogging Tasks
When I first started this blog, I was running around trying to do everything. I was trying to spend time on all the different social media channels, comment on other people’s blogs, spend time networking and creating images and videos.
It was extremely exhausting…
At the end of the day, I felt like crap. I was so tired of trying to do everything that my blog wasn’t growing. Nothing, I wasn’t getting any new email subscribers and yet my head and shoulders hurt from standing in front of my computer.
Yes, I stand all day, as I have a standing desk. My back no longer hurts from sitting from 8 hours, but I still get tired if I don’t take breaks throughout the day.
Anyway, I wanted to share some of my daily blogging tasks that I do. I no longer spend hours and hours in front of the computer. I now have a system that works for me. Of course this system is tentative to change, depending on what’s actually working.
These are the tasks that I do each and everyday, regardless of what day of the week it is. Well, I don’t do them every weekend, especially, during the Summer.
Blog Commenting:
When I started my blog, I didn’t have a clue how to start promoting it. I remember reading that you should spend 80% of your time promoting your own content. However, how do you start?
Well after reading Ryan Biddulph’s “How to Build a Blog Empire Through Commenting.” I figured why not pick up a copy as it seems he’s built a great empire using that method. Plus you can’t beat the price.
I’m glad that I did, I learned a lot just by reading that book. However, we all know that you can’t accomplish anything just by reading. If you want to see results, you need to apply what you read.
I’ve been using Ryan’s methods for about 2 months now. I can say that it’s a lot of work, but I am finally starting to see some results.
Everyday, I visit blogs in my niche as well as other blogs that I love reading. I’ll read the entire article and then leave a comment that adds value.
I’ve been using this method to build relationships with other bloggers. In fact, this method has opened up the doors for me to start guest posting.
To date, I’ve managed to guest post on 5 blogs. I know that wouldn’t have been possible, if I hadn’t taken the time to build the relationships through commenting.
Sharing Other People’s Content:
I am by no means great at using social media. In the past, I avoided it like crazy. With this blog, I’ve decided to start learning how to use it.
In fact, I invested in this Facebook course and this Pinterest course to cut my learning curve in half. While I still have a lot to learn, I am finally starting to see some traction from both Facebook and Pinterest.
If you do pick up any of those courses, you want to give the strategies time to work. It’s taken me a while to start seeing traffic from Pinterest.
One of the biggest take aways I’ve learned from reading so many blogs about using social media, is the importance of sharing other people’s content.
I’ll spend time finding great content that I can share using Smarter Queue. I’ve stopped using Smarter Queue for my Facebook posts and only use it for Twitter.
As I mentioned, social media is still new to me. However, I am learning as I go and eventually, I’ll get better with using it.
It’s not hard to share other people’s content and I make sure that I am sharing some everyday.
Writing Content:
We hear it all the time, bloggers need a lot of content. I’ve started writing blog posts on a localhost site I set up using Desktop Server.
I write all my blog posts on my local WordPress installation. It doesn’t matter if they have a home when I sit down to write the article. I just know that eventually, I’ll find a home for it.
The post will either be given away for a guest post or I’ll publish it on my blog.
My main goal is to just make sure that I am writing at least 1,000 words each and everyday.
I know what you’re thinking, I can’t write 1,000 words everyday. I used to think like this as well, until I started seeing my blog as a business.
If your goal is to turn your blog into a full-time business, you’re going to need a lot of content.
By writing everyday, I now have 3 months worth of content written in advance. This is perfect, especially, for those lazy Summer days, when I don’t feel like doing any work.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t do it everyday. Make it a goal to write 3x a week and then work your way up from there.
Working On Clients Work
As you know, I am still working as a WordPress freelancer. Unfortunately, I don’t get to work on my blog full-time yet.
Hopefully, one day I’ll be able to move completely away from freelancing.
I always work on my blog early in the morning before I touch any of my client’s work. It’s important for me to do these tasks everyday.
My blog is growing slowly but at least it’s growing and that’s what’s important to me.
I know that some of you have jobs and life tends to get in the way. However, if you want your blog to grow, you need to make sure that you’re doing some daily blogging tasks that will help it grow.
Always Be Flexible
As a blogger, we all know that things change. I’ve started keeping track of what marketing methods are actually working.
If I see something that isn’t helping my blog grow, I’ll stop doing it. After all, the last thing you want to do waste your time with those non-productive tasks.
I’ve also started paying attention to the blog posts that my readers like. Google Analytics makes it extremely easy to see which posts are driving the most traffic.
Related: How to Set Up Google Analytics in Genesis
Since my stats showed me that my blogging duties post was popular. I figured why not write a blog post on my daily blogging tasks.
Of course, as I mentioned these tasks are not set in stone. If I see something else is working, I’ll focus on that. If something’s not working, then I’ll stop doing it.
If you’re unsure of what you can do to start driving traffic to your blog, this eBook helped me out when I started my blog. Lena covers several strategies she used to help her grow her blog from 17k to 400k in 10 months.
Testing Things
One thing that I’ve learned in my short-time blogging, is that just because something works for someone else’s blog, doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for your blog.
Be willing to test things out and give it time to work. If you don’t see any results from your efforts, try something else.
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Final Take Away
I am by no means an expert in growing a blog, however, I am persistent in my efforts. I’ve learned that the only thing that separates people who are successful from those that are not is their persistence.
The successful people refused to give up. They developed habits that helped them create their success. If you need a little bit of inspiration, read this.
If you haven’t started using blog commenting as a method to grow your blog. I highly recommend that you do. Commenting won’t bring you a ton of traffic, however, I can say that it has helped me get my foot in the door with guest posting.
I know that a lot of people say to spend time on Pinterest. However, I would rather spend time guest posting and commenting. I won’t have to worry about the Pinterest algorithm changing.
Yes, I still use Pinterest for my blog, I just choose not to put 100% of my effort into it.
Hand Picked Articles for You
Which daily blogging tasks do you use for your blog? Let me know as I may have missed something that can help others build their blog.
Hi Susan,
You definitey sound like an expert here! I can totally relate to you. I ran around in circles trying to do everything in one day that I ran myself ragged.
I finally learned my lesson and started doing the tasks that will grow my blog – basically, exactly what you’re doing. ๐
Now I have a social media manager and boy has that given me more time to focus on these items – especially writing and networking for new clients. And man has my flexibility been tested, LOL. ๐
Another thing I do daily is engage with my followers and bloggers on social media. The best part of the job. ๐
Great post Susan!
Thanks for sharing your blogging tasks with us!
Hope you’re having a great week. ๐
Hi Susan,
There’s so much to learn from Ryan. He’s a cool gentleman. Using his techniques on blog commenting, I made it a duty to leave at least 10 comments in 10 different blogs in my niche every single day. As I did that, I watched my Alexa ranking increase and traffic skyrocket. Not only that, the juicy part is the relationship it has helped me to build among my fellow bloggers.
I hail you for that 1,000 words challenge you gave yourself. It’s true I have the capacity to write as much as 4,000 words in a day but my other side hustles will definitely suffer if I try that. I get some of my clients from social media, so I needed to keep up with what’s trending in there.
I think developing a daily blogging habit is something any blogger who sees their blog as a business should be doing. Though I don’t keep to all but the few times I paid keen attention to them, I can attest that it works.
Hello Susan,
All I can say that you are really doing great with your blog. Its your dedication towards your blog that makes this blog more helpful to users. Blog commenting is really a great way to connect with bloggers online and help you to engage yourself in a thoughtful and active discussion.
I also like to testing out the new things that will help me to grow my blog. Great Post! Thanks a lot.
Enjoy your Summer ๐
Hi Cori,
Wow, that’s awesome that you have a social media manager. To tell you the truth, that’s the part that takes most of my time. As you know social media is still real new to me.
Trying to learn how to use it effectively has definitely been a challenge. That’s why I am focused on only 1-2 networks, so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Thanks for sharing your story Cori, I loved reading it. I am having a great week, thanks for asking.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Emenike,
Glad to hear that you’re following Ryan’s methods as well. Also, good to know that eventually, blog commenting helped you grow your blog.
It can definitely be tiresome to do it everyday, however, like you said, once it becomes a habit it’s pretty much routine.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi Vishwajeet,
I’ve been blog commenting for almost 3 months and while it is a lot of work, I’ve definitely seen the benefits of it. I am going to continue using it.
Like you, I think it’s important to test out new things. After all, you never know what will help you grow your blog.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Summer as well ๐
Hey Susan.
I can relate to this:
“To tell you the truth, Iโve never worked on a blog long enough to reap the rewards. Iโve always found myself jumping from one shiny object to the next. I guess, I just found it easier to keep trying new things than to keep working on something that didnโt produce instant results.”
It’s been a while since I stopped jumping around but I am guilty of that exact same thing.
Daily work involves daily writing (publishing on schedule though), social, blog commenting, and then writing some more. This content marketing thing does take time and I am now in the think of just how long it takes.
Appreciate the hard work you put in, Susan.
Hey Ash,
Glad to know that I am not the only one who’s been a jumper. I think that we all go through that in the beginning. Well not everyone, some people have that “stick to it” mentality.
I can honestly say that I am now one of those “stick to it mentality” people. I guess because I know that there’s not really anything easier or better out there.
Plus now that I’ve found the niche that I love, I know that I will stick with it.
I am so glad that you have found your niche and you’re sticking with it as well. I wish you the best of luck and have no doubt that you will succeed.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi, Susan. I’m with Cori, you seem like an expert. Experts not only know things, they practice them. Ryan is a great mentor.
I purchased his guest posting book, I might get the commenting one as well.
I’ve certainly noticed you. Seems like wherever I comment, you’ve already visited. ^_^
Back in 2016, I tested nearly 60 different traffic generation techniques. It was crazy. It’s so true that just because something works for one blogger, it doesn’t mean it will work for you.
I’ve scaled back on Social too. Facebook and Twitter are where I focus my attention.
I think there comes a time in a blogger’s journey when it’s not about the numbers anymore. It’s about relationships and community. And, it seems that you’ve started nurturing that and now see results.
Hi Sara,
Glad to hear that you might be purchasing Ryan’s book. I definitely recommend it. I haven’t picked up his guest posting book, but I am sure that it’s just as good as the commenting one.
Yeah, traffic can be a little crazy. We have to find what works for our blog.
Totally agree with you about not really focusing on the numbers. My goal is to build relationships and community.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I hope you have a great day ๐
Hey Susan,
Great post.
Ryan is a beast. Especially with all of the comments he leaves on all of those sites, it definiately (1) builds relationships and (2) adds value. And his template is something ANYONE and EVERYONE should follow.
Congrats to you following it and starting to see traction and getting results. And wishing you much more success.
– Andrew
Hi Andrew,
Yeah, when it comes to commenting, Ryan knows his stuff.
It takes time to see the results, at least for me. But, it’s nice to see that I am finally starting to see them.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi Susan, I can see you are following Ryan’s tips to the T, good for you! You have been everywhere lately. It’s good you have a schedule. I need to get a better one myself. I’ve finally got back to posting weekly and sometimes bi-weekly with contributors.
I always do a backup after a new post now. Never want to lose any hard work on those!
Double checking posts and links is key and something I must remember to do well, often I’ll forget something here or there ๐
Thanks for the tips Susan and have a great 4th of July!
Hi Susan,
When a blogger understands the importance of giving the work to small parts, he can do it more effectively. There is no doubt that connecting with professionals, sharing content, writing and analyzing articles, appreciating others etc. helpful to boost blogging.
In Blogging, sharing is caring.
Keep growing.
Hi Lisa,
I am following Ryan’s tips, it’s a lot of work, but I’ve managed to keep on schedule for 2 months.
Glad to hear that you’re getting back to posting weekly. I can’t blame you for always backing up your site after making any changes. I do that as well.
I did have a great 4th, I took the whole day off and it was nice.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi Gaurav,
Totally agree with you about blogging, sharing is caring. That’s definitely working for me.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
This is my first visit to your blog and I really liked it. You have shared pretty cool ideas. I will surely try to implement it ๐
Hi Aniket,
Welcome to my blog, glad to have you here. Let me know if any of my blogging tasks help you grow your blog, I’d love to know.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day.
You do a lot of the same things I do, but you’re doing them for one blog while I’m doing it for 6 (yeah, I’m a glutton for punishment lol). The commenting will end up being the better friend because in my years I’ve found it the best way to drive traffic to your blog… if your comments are at least passable. lol
Hi Mitch,
Wow, I couldn’t imagine trying to grow 6 blogs. You’re amazing!
Glad to hear that we’re doing the same things. I agree the commenting and sharing of other people’s content is paying off big time.
You’re right, if the comment sucks, then it’s not going to be published and you’re just wasting time.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great day Mitch, and good luck with your 6 blogs ๐
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the ideas. Ryan is an inspiration to me as well.
Hi Janice,
Yeah, Ryan is a good guy.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, have a great one ๐
Hi Susan,
Your daily blogging tasks are almost similar to mine. Blog commenting has been one of my strongest powers since I started blogging. Not only do I get referral links, I easily land a guest posting opportunity afterwards. Since I started doing this, that was in 2016, my blog has continued to grow.
Keep it up.
Hi Emenike,
Glad to hear that we’re doing the same things to grow our blogs ๐ Like you, I love commenting and have met some amazing bloggers online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐