Last updated on November 20th, 2018 at 02:52 pm
Are you frustrated with the techie part of blogging?
I totally understand, it took me over 8 hours to set up my very first WordPress blog. That’s not even counting how many hours it took me to understand WordPress themes and plugins.
I was so proud of myself, only to realize that all I did was install the WordPress software. I had no clue what Google Analytics was or how to submit my site to WordPress Search Console.
Unfortunately, most new bloggers have no clue what it involves to set up their WordPress blog properly.
They usually install WordPress and then start blogging. They overlook the foundational parts of installing WordPress.
Yes, writing content is a BIG part of blogging. However, if you knock out all the foundational parts of blogging first, you’ll have less to worry about as your blog grows.
You can use these tools to help you watch your blog grow. You’ll learn where your visitors are coming from. Which blog posts they love and where you are getting your blog traffic from.
Without the proper foundation, you’ll have a hard time growing your blog.
Google Will tell you where your traffic is coming from. This way you can focus on the tasks that are giving you the best results. Once you start doing more of what’s working, you’ll start to see your traffic growing.
Without knowing what’s working, your blog WILL NOT GROW!
When your blog is set up properly from the start, you can start enjoying traffic from several different sources. Which we all know that is the best way to ensure you NEVER have to worry about you losing your traffic overnight.
So don’t make the deadly mistake of setting up WordPress and starting to blog. There are several behind the scent things that you need to take care of to make sure that your blog runs smoothly.
WordPress is easy to use and once you get these foundational things set up you can focus on those daily blogging tasks that every blogger has to do on a regular basis.
So make sure that your blog is set up properly from DAY ONE. If you follow the step-by-step guide, you’ll have the proper foundation set up for your blog in a couple of hours.
What You’ll Actually Get
The Steps to Properly Set Up Your WordPress Foundation!
What You Will Learn
You get access to the following:
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When you follow the steps in this eBook, you’ll have a WordPress blog set up with the proper foundation. All you have to do is focus on writing your content and getting readers to your blog.
However, as you can see, you’ll find some amazing resources that will help you start getting traffic to your blog. Everything you need to get started is right here at your fingertips.
Want to Get the Book for Free?
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Due to the nature of the digital product where you can download as you purchase, no refunds will be given. This guide requires you to put in the work in order to see results, it’s not a magic solution, Do not buy if you are looking for something that does not require any work on your part.