Last updated on August 10th, 2018 at 07:22 am
Blog post titles that will get you shares, so you don’t feel as though you are wasting time. As a blogger, you’re constantly writing content for your blog, products, guest posts and whatever. It seems that you are constantly writing content on a daily basis.
You sit down to write this amazing blog post, hoping that this will be the one that takes off. You’ve heard so many people talk about the rush they get when they see their blog post go viral.
For some reason, none of your blog posts have been able to go viral. Have you stopped to take a look at your blog post title of the post?
Most of us don’t put enough time and effort into creating creative titles that will make people want to stop and read.
Then we wonder why our blog posts don’t get shared or why no one is reading our blogs.
Related: 15 Types of Blog Posts That Will Help Your Blog Grow Like Crazy
Don’t worry, this skill doesn’t happen overnight. It’s something that you have to keep practicing over and over. This headline analyzer has helped me improve my headlines so I can focus more on creating content.
Unfortunately, no beginner blogger knows how to do this write out of the gate. We all have to take the time to learn how to write the title of an article that people actually want to read.
The great thing is that there are some awesome tools that will help you out.
If you are ready to start making tweaks to your writing, in hopes of getting more shares then keep reading.
But first, before you can start getting a ton of shares, I recommend using the social sharing plugin that I am using.
9 Blog Titles That Will Help You Get More Shares
There’s a lot more to writing an amazing blog post. It all starts with learning how to write catchy blog titles. After all, this is what people will see in the search results. If your headline can’t sell the content, no one will ever take the time to read it.
Your words for the blog can be amazing and you could have written an awesome blog post that helps readers solve a specific problem. But if your title doesn’t grab people’s attention, then it doesn’t really matter.
No one is going to take the time to open it and read. We all know what happens to blog posts that don’t get read, they just end up being buried in our blog archives along with hundreds of other blog posts that no one took the time to read.
This takes practice but if you start working on it, you’ll be able to start writing some amazing blog post titles that actually get read and shared.
#1 The List
People absolutely love sharing list posts. Honestly, I had no clue that they were that popular until I joined the Billionaire Blog Club. I know what you’re thinking, how could I have not known? List posts are everywhere.
Well, I never said that I was that smart. Sometimes I need people to sit me down and tell me something over and over before it sticks. Plus once I started doing keyword research on Pinterest, I started noticing so many list posts.
I started realizing that we tend to love lists. So I went in search of why people love list posts so much and here’s what I found:
- Process information more quickly
- Prioritize
- Helps us avoid procrastination
- We can remember lists easier
- Helps us keep track of what we have accomplished and what we need to do next
- Creates a sense of order instead of chaos and overwhelm
I’m sure there are other reasons that people love sharing lists. If you need more encouragement before you write your first list post, here are some list post facts you need to read.
Now not all lists are created equally. During my research, I discovered that odd-numbered lists get shared more than even numbered lists.
I know, I found that hard to believe, but here’s a great article to read 3 Reasons for Using Odd-Numbered Lists In Your Blog Post Titles.
Personally, I haven’t done an experiment on whether this is true or not. I guess I’ll have to set some time aside and experiment with even and odd numbered list posts to see what gets more shares.
#2 How-To
People love being shown how to do something. After all, one of the main reasons people spend so much time online besides browsing Facebook or watching YouTube videos is trying to get answers to their problems.
If you write a how-to post that solves their problem, chances are they will take the time to share it.
Now before you sit down to write your first how-to blog post. You need to remember that you’re going on a journey with your reader. It’s important to take them from Point A to Point B and show them step-by-step on how to accomplish anything.
Don’t leave anything out, no matter how small you might think something is. Chances are that is what your reader needs help with. I’ve written a step-by-step tutorial on how to write your first blog post, in case you have never written one before.
Remember, your first how-to post may not be perfect or may not get a ton of shares. The more you practice writing them, I have no doubt that you will get better.
#3 Case Study Post
Everyone loves a good case study. Personally, I love reading them because I love to see how someone took the time to run an experiment and the results they go.
Now I know that just because they got those specific results, it doesn’t mean that I’ll get the same results. I don’t know what happens until I actually take the time to do my own case study.
I guess as humans we just like to see whether something works for someone before we waste time on it. People want to know what you experienced during your case study.
When you share your case study, make sure that you are sharing your personal story. Don’t be ashamed to share your emotions with the results of the case study.
This is what makes people connect with your case study. I guess that’s why they say “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
If you still haven’t written your first case study, here’s an article on How to Write a Powerful Case Study With 35 Examples.
Related: [Case Study] How to Write A Series For Your Blog
#4 Lessons Learned
Lessons learned posts are extremely popular. As humans, we love reading what lessons people have learned. After all, if we can avoid making the mistakes that people made then we will try to avoid doing that.
If you do share your lessons or mistakes learned with people. You want to make sure that you share everything. Don’t be afraid to get personal and vulnerable with your readers.
Sometimes it can be hard to sit down and share our mistakes and lessons learned with our readers. After all, this opens us up to criticism with some readers.
That’s why I went out and found this post 29 Life Lessons I Learned While Traveling The World. This will give you a good idea of how to write your first lessons learned post.
#5 Reasons Why
The reason’s why blog posts are so popular. If you take a look at toddler’s they are always asking
Why does this happen?
How do they do that?
Why can’t you do that?
As adults, you would think that we get out of asking “why questions.” But the truth is that we still need to know why we should or shouldn’t do something and what’s in it for us.
If you can sit down and write a “why blog post” that not only tells people why they shouldn’t do something but can also provide them the answer, chances are you will hit a home run with your post.
These types of blog posts are very popular within the relationship niche. That’s why you see so many popular blog posts like:
Why he won’t call you back and what to do about it.
These posts work and the only way to tell if it will work for you is to sit down and write one.
#6 Resources Post
As humans we are lazy. When we want something we want it now, we don’t want to sit down and do all the research and wait forever just to find what we need.
The resources post is popular because you are compiling everything that will help your readers and put it in one spot. This means they don’t have to waste time sifting through thousands of archives online just to find what they are looking for.
As bloggers, we know that anyone who wants to start a blog will need to use online tools to make their life easier. That’s why we take the time to create awesome an awesome resource page that helps our readers see what tools we’re using.
We usually call this resource page something like the best blogging tools. This page consists of all the resources we use in our online business to help people see what we’re using in our online business.
Here’s my best blogging tools page in case you want to see an example.
People will love you for it because you have put in all the hard work of putting everything in one spot for them. Which makes their life a lot easier.
#7 Provocative Question
What Would You Attempt If You Know That You Could Not Fail?
This question starts turning the wheels in your head. After all, most of us don’t pursue a lot of our goals because we are afraid of failure.
But if we knew that we couldn’t fail, now that’s a different story. Now you’re tempted to start thinking about everything you have always wanted to do, but were scared of trying.
The provocative question is about luring your reader in through curiosity. It’s like when someone tells you not to think about the big white elephant and you start thinking about the white elephant.
You know that saying “curiosity killed the cat.” Well, curiosity will bring more attention to your blog post titles as well.
#8 Irresistible
The irresistible blog post should be like a magnet. When someone reads the title, they should be compelled to click. If you can create enough curiosity then they will click.
Getting them to click is the hardest part. Once they click, chances are they will be intrigued by your content. Of course, writing an amazing blog post does take practice and that’s a whole different story. I suggest that you read this 5-point checklist to rock the perfect post.
How you could save thousands just by switching insurance.
If you already feel like you’re paying a lot for your auto insurance, then chances are you’re going to be curious to click. After all, who doesn’t want to save money on their car insurance?
Irresistible blog post titles work well in some niches and can be a challenge in others. I have noticed that they seem to work well in the informational and entertainment niches. But there’s absolutely no reason to test them out and see how they do in your niche.
#9 Urgency
21 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog?
These types of posts make me think that hey this person is about to share something that I need to know. We love secrets and if your post title sounds like you have a secret to share, then chances are it’s going to get clicked.
Imagine if you were just starting a blog and you had no clue what you were doing. If you came across this post, you would likely click to read it.
After all, you’re new to blogging and this person has already been blogging. You would want to know what you need to know to learn from their blogging journey.
Learn How to Write A Great Title
As bloggers, it’s so easy to sit down and write content. Most of us don’t even think about taking the time to come up with catchy headlines.
Especially, if you haven’t created a blogging schedule and all you do is sit down to write a blog post because it’s supposed to go live in the morning. You don’t have time to come up with good article titles.
The cool thing is that you can use the Free Headline Analyzer From Coschedule to write good headlines for blogs.
If you’re using Pinterest, you can browse the platform to see what types of article title ideas have worked well for others.
It takes time and practice to get better at eye-catching headlines. Here are 100+ blog post title templates that grab attention.
Hand Picked Articles for You
- No Time for Blogging 30 Minute Tasks That Will Grow Your Blog
- 15 Types of Blog Posts That Will Help It Grow Like Crazy
- 5 Blog Post Ideas That Are Sure to Make You Money
Do you take the time to come up with some attention-grabbing headlines before publishing your blog posts? Let me know what tools you use to analyze your blog post titles. I’d love to hear what works for you.