Last updated on June 6th, 2020 at 06:00 am
Every blogger wants to make money with affiliate marketing. Maybe you’ve spent time reading some affiliate marketing tips that can help you improve your conversions?
Maybe you’ve even spent time reading several affiliate marketing guides that promise to show you how to make your first commission.
While I can’t promise that this technique will flood your commissions. I can tell you that if you take the time to implement them, you will see an increase in conversions. I know I have.
Related: Which Affiliate Marketing Training Course Is The Best?
As a blogger, it’s important to continually test and tweak your strategies. What works today, may not work tomorrow.
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Today, I thought I would share some affiliate marketing tips that I have been experimenting with on this blog. Just by making this one change, I’ve been able to increase my click-throughs and conversions.
Now, take what you want from this blog. If you don’t feel it will help you improve your affiliate commissions, don’t use it.
I can only share what’s working for me. Just because it works for me, doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work for you. Now that that’s out of the way, let me share my tips with you.
Learning how to start a blog is the easy part. The challenge comes in when we’re trying to learn how to turn it from hobby to profit.
Affiliate Marketing Tips to Help You Improve Your Conversions
The other day, I was shopping for a new mattress. My old mattress was giving me back pains and I woke up every morning in pain.
I probably waited too long to replace my old mattress.
However, after buying my MacBook Pro, I had to save up the money for my new mattress.
I finally decided to break down and by a new mattress. After all, if I’m constantly sore and feeling like crap, I won’t be able to work on my blog.
Which I love doing, so I can help you start, grow and monetize your own blog.
You Know What I Noticed?
Now when I visit a site that has targeted ads, I am constantly seeing those mattress ads.
You’ll probably notice that when you visit sites that are retargeting, you’ll see products that you’ve done searches on. Those ads keep following you around.
Don’t believe me?
Give it a try. Do a search for something you’d like to buy. Then start visiting other sites that have ads on them. Most likely you’ll start to see advertisements of the product that you were searching for.
To tell you the truth, I don’t know the ads will go away once you clear your cache? But it’s pretty amazing and chances are you’ve probably clicked through one of those ads and made a purchase?
I know I have.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Increase Your Affiliate Commissions With Advanced Ads Plugin” quote=”Increase Your Affiliate Commissions With Advanced Ads Plugin” theme=”style4″]
My Thinking
Those targeted ads got me thinking.
Is there a way that I can show targeted ads on my blog just using a plugin?
After all, I know one of the best ways to learn how to do affiliate marketing is to show people the most targeted ads.
You Know what?
I figured out how to do it and I’m going to share what I’m doing on this blog to help you out. Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you to set up Facebook Ads.
Personally, I’ve never used Facebook Ads, so I can’t share my experience with you. If you want to learn how to start using Facebook ads, read this.
This is going to require you to pick up the Advanced Ads Plugin. I’ve been using this plugin for about 2 months now and I can say that I love it.
They do have a free version, but I am using the premium version. I actually purchased the Advanced Ads Pro bundle because it was the best value, you can buy it here.
There’s so much you can do with this plugin. In fact, I purchased it when I first signed up with Google Adsense.
Related: How to Sign Up For Google Adsense
If you’ll notice I removed Adsense from my blog. Why?
Well because I was only making pennies from my blog. I figured that until I am able to improve my traffic, I need to avoid putting ads on my blog.
Today, I’m just going to walk you through step-by-step on how to use it to set up targeted affiliate ads for your specific categories.
I don’t know if the free version works the same. So feel free to follow along as I show you how to set up targeted web banner ads for your blog readers.
If you’re serious about building your business, then sometimes you just have to invest in products that will help you grow and earn more.
Using Advanced Ads to Setup up Web Banner Ads
Once you have the plugin, you’ll need to get it installed. Now I am going to walk you through the process of setting up targeted web banner ads.
Don’t expect this to increase your affiliate income overnight. However, I can definitely say that it’s helped me add some more sales since using this plugin.
Let’s Get Started
You know how I do it, this is going to be a step-by-step tutorial. I’ll have a video coming soon if it’s not here when you read this post, it’ll be here later.
Note: Don’t forget to bookmark this post and implement it later. I know that there’s a lot of steps.
The first time you implement these steps, it’ll take you a while. However, once you create your first Ad, you’ll be amazed at how easy and awesome this plugin is!
Sign Up for ShareASale
First things first, you’ll need to be a member of a reputable affiliate network. I suggest that you take the time to sign up for ShareASale.
Related: ShareASale Review Complete WalkThrough of How to Use It
They have tons of affiliate programs that will fit into almost any niche.
If you’re not a member yet, you can sign up here.
Other Affiliate Networks You Can Sign Up With
There are literally tons of other affiliate networks you can sign up with. I’ve decided to list a few of them, just in case you’re looking for some more.
Okay now that you’ve signed up for a few, it’s time to log into your affiliate network and look for an affiliate product that you know your readers can benefit from.
Remember, you only want to sign up for those that are specific to your niche. You don’t want to promote a banner add for pampers if you’re in the weight loss niche.
Word of Advice
One of the biggest mistakes new affiliates make is they try to push products that have high commissions.
While it’s great to get a high commission. The truth is that you shouldn’t try to push a product just because it has a high commission.
Only promote the products that you personally use and recommend. I don’t see anything wrong with promoting products that you’ve used before but don’t use it anymore.
Just be honest with your readers, that’s all I’m saying.
If you notice on my blog, I only share the products that I actually use. I’ll even promote products that I use when working with my client’s websites.
Well because I know that they’re great products. If I’m willing to pay for them, I don’t mind sharing my affiliate link with my readers. If I haven’t used it, I’ll let people know.
Let’s Grab Your Web Banners
I’ll be using ShareASale for this tutorial as I am currently a member of this network. Feel free to grab your affiliate banners from any affiliate network you belong to.
Log into your affiliate network account and choose an affiliate program based on the specific categories for your blog.
Your Blog Categories
If you’ll take a look at my blog, you’ll know that I write blog posts based on:
- WordPress
- Blogging
- Making Money
- Genesis Framework
This means that I can find affiliate programs that are niche specific.
What Do I Mean?
For instance, in my blogging category, I would want to share banner ads to help people grow their blog. If you’ll look at my blog, you’ll notice that I share the Grammarly and the Tailwind banners.
I don’t share these two affiliate banners on my WordPress sidebar. Instead, I share affiliate banners for WordPress hosting and some of my favorite plugins.
On my Genesis categories, I share affiliate banners for the StudioPress child themes as well as some other places to buy Genesis child themes.
Cater Your Affiliate Links to Your Readers
We’ve all heard of banner blindness. Where people overlook the banners on our site. However, I’ve personally found since I’ve started targeting my affiliate banner ads to my categories, it’ has increased my commissions.
Don’t believe me?
Take a look at these commissions. Now I don’t share this to brag, I only share it to show you that this technique is helping me learn how to increase my affiliate income.
If you’re blogging, chances are you want to make money. This affiliate marketing tip can help you improve your commissions.
Unfortunately, I only got one of those commissions. The other person canceled their purchase. Remember, we can’t do anything about people who don’t actually buy. We just have to get them there!
So if you’re ready to monetize your blog even if you don’t have a lot of traffic. Then follow along because I am going to show you how to get it set up for the best conversions possible.
Don’t expect these affiliate marketing tips and tricks to automatically earn you money overnight. Remember, it takes time to grow a blog.
As you know, I am still working on growing this blog. It’s just a daily chore and that’s why you need to treat your blog like a business.
Grab Your Affiliate Banners
Now that I’ve shown you my results with using this tactic. Let’s get you started targeting your ads.
When you grab your affiliate banners, don’t grab the actual code. Instead, download the banner image. You only want the image to the affiliate product that you’ll be using.
You’ll do this by right-clicking on the image and then choose to save image as.
While you’re grabbing the affiliate banner image, go ahead and grab your unique affiliate link. Paste your affiliate link in a text document, you’ll need this later.
Of course, if you want to use Thirsty Affiliates, you’ll always have this affiliate link on your blog when you need it.
Optimize Your Image With TinyPNG
Before I upload an image to my blog, I’ll run it through TinyPNG. I want to make sure that my site loads as fast as possible. Yes, I even did this with my affiliate banner ads.
I’ve also started using the ShortPixel plugin to help me optimize my images even further.
How Many Affiliate Banners to Use
Personally, I recommend showing more than one banner, but for this step, we’ll only be showing one banner.
Later on in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up an Affiliate group you can rotate using Advanced Ads.
For this tutorial, I’ll be adding the WP Engine affiliate banner to my sidebar. This affiliate program pays $200 per lead. If you’re in the blogging niche, you might want to consider becoming an affiliate for them.
Here’s the link to sign up as a WP Engine Affiliate.
Create Your First Ad
It’s time to set up your targeted ad. Go to Advanced Ads >> Ads >> New Ad
Enter a title for your ad. Don’t worry, you can enter whatever you want. This is just for your information only.
For example, I called mine “WordPress niche specific affiliate ad”
Ad Type
For this ad, I like using the Image Ad type. Choose the radio button by image ad and then you’ll be taken to the next screen.
Ad Parameters
Next, you’ll be asked to upload your affiliate banner image that we just saved from ShareASale. So go ahead and upload it.
If you’re unsure on how to upload an image, read this.
Don’t forget to add your affiliate link in the URL.
You want to make sure that you get credit when someone clicks through and makes a purchase.
Once you’ve got your information filled out like I do from above, it’s time to click on Next.
If you’re on the free version, yours may look different than my settings? Remember, I am on the premium version.
Display Conditions
This is where the magic happens. Remember, we don’t want this ad to show up on all the sidebars on our blog. You only want the affiliate banner to show up on the targeted categories sidebar.
This will help you show people targeted ads that your readers will most likely click through to find out more.
So in the case of my WP Engine affiliate program, I only want to show that ad to people in my WordPress category.
Because WP Engine is a great hosting account for WordPress blogs. While this blog is hosted on SiteGround, I do use WP Engine for my client’s sites.
They are easy to work with, not to mention they have great support.
WP Engine specializes in hosting WordPress sites. It’s the perfect ad to show in my WordPress category.
Click on the Hide the ad on some pages
New Condition >> Choose Categories
then click add
Now you’ll see all the categories on your blog.
Leave it on is. The other option is to choose is not, by pressing the drop-down arrow.
Choose the category you want your affiliate banner to display on. Here’s how mine looks like on my test site.
This setting means that my ad will only show up on my WordPress category.
It won’t show up on any of my other categories on my blog.
Once you’ve chosen your specific category scroll to the bottom and click next.
New Placement
Now you want to choose where you want this ad to be placed. Since I am showing you how to set up affiliate ads on your sidebar, choose the sidebar option.
As you can see, you can place your ads pretty much anywhere you want. Yes, you can even place it inside of your content if you choose to. The possibilities are endless ๐
Advanced Ads Widget
You’ll be taken to the widgets area. This is where you’ll drag and drop the Advanced Ads Widget to your primary sidebar.
Use the drop drown arrow to find the ad you just created. Choose it and the then click save.
Now if you go to your blog and go to the category where you added the ad, you should see it in your sidebar.
If you followed these steps as I’ve written them out. You won’t be able to see your affiliate banner on any of the other sidebars on your blog unless it’s the category you chose.
As you continue building your traffic, eventually people will click on those links and you’ll start seeing commissions.
Pretty awesome huh. I think so!
Advanced Ads Groups
You can even take this further and set up groups. What do I mean?
Say for instance you want to have more than one affiliate banner on your category sidebar.
Take a look at my WordPress sidebar on my blog. You’ll see two affiliate banners under WordPress hosting.
I’ve set up a group of niche targeted ads.
This allows me to test my affiliate conversions against each other. I am an affiliate for both:
While I use SiteGround for this blog, I do have a client on Bluehost and they love it. Plus, I know a lot of people like it.
If you’re looking for a new hosting account, I recommend SiteGround.
Testing Your Affiliate Banners
The best affiliate marketing tip I can give you is to test, test and test some more.
You won’t know which banners convert the best unless you’re testing them against each other.
The Advanced Ads plugin makes it easy to do. So follow along and let’s get your first ad group set up.
First Things First
Follow everything we’ve covered in the tutorial above. Save all the images you want to add to your category specific sidebar.
I recommend 2-3 images at the most. You don’t want to go too crazy with this.
Once you’ve created ads for all the images, just like I showed you above. You’ll skip adding the ad to your sidebar.
Instead, we’re going to set up a group for you to put all your affiliate banners into the rotation.
Setting Up Groups
Instead of adding just one affiliate banner to your sidebar, you’re going to add a group that contains all the ads you created for your category.
Head on over to Advanced Ads >> Groups and Rotation >> Add New Ad Group
Again give it a group title to help you know what the group consists of. Then click save.
Set Up The Group Settings
Once you name your add, you’ll see it down below. Now it’s time to click edit and let’s get you set up.
You’ll notice that you have several different options you can use for your group settings.
- Random Ads
- Ordered Ads
- Ad Slider
- Grid
Personally, I have only used the ad slider. You’ll have to play around with the other settings to see what they do.
Here are what my settings look like for my WordPress hosting affiliate banner ads on my sidebar.
Feel free to set yours up like mine. I personally recommend setting up a test development site using Desktop Server.
This will help you set an exact duplicate of your blog. You can then play around with the different settings of this plugin without it affecting your live blog.
Add Your Ads to Your Group
Now add all the ads you created for your category to this specific group. You’ll want to assign a weight to them. I personally just let the plugin assign the weight value.
Of course, if you want one banner to display more than the other, you can change the weight value.
Add The Group Widget
Once you have your group set up, it’s time to add the Advanced Ads widget to your sidebar.
Instead of adding the ads to your sidebar. You’ll be adding the group you just created to the Advanced Ads Widget.
Once you find it, save your changes. When you refresh your site and visit the category you’re targeting, you should see a slider with your affiliate banners from the group you just set up.
You may need to clear your cache in order to see your changes.
Of course, you’ll only see a slider if you used the same settings I used above.
If you ever want to add more affiliate banners to this group, you would just create the ads and then add them directly to this group.
Easy peasy, now you’ve got a group of targeted affiliate banner ads. These ads will work for you day and night.
As your traffic starts to increase, I have no doubt so will your affiliate income ๐
If you need help increasing your blog traffic. I recommend this ebook, it’s the same ebook I used to help me when I started my blog.
Tracking Your Conversions
It’s important to track your conversions. If you start getting a lot of clicks and no conversions, then maybe it’s time to find a different affiliate product you can use.
Or maybe you can just try changing up your banner. The important thing is to pay attention to your stats.
Unfortunately, you won’t be able to track your stats with the free version.
You’ll need to upgrade to the premium version. I suggest picking up the Advanced Ads Pro Bundle as that’s the best bang for your buck. That’s what I paid for when I picked up my copy.
If you’re unsure of whether this is the right plugin for you, be sure to read my Advanced Ads Review.
I can definitely tell you it’s worth every penny. Remember, there’s so much more you can do with this plugin. I’ve just shown you one feature I use with this plugin.
Later I’ll show you another awesome feature that I am using this plugin for. To tell you the truth, I still have a lot to learn about this plugin.
You can’t get people to buy from your affiliate links. I know we all want to increase our affiliate income. Your job is just to get them to click on your links.
If you’ve shown them a product that makes sense and is niche specific. Chances are they will buy through your link.
Then ka-ching, you’ve made a commission!
Sure they may not follow through with the purchase. But can you imagine how much your commissions will increase if you can get more people to click through?
Chances are, you’re conversions will increase. In fact, I am willing to bet they do ๐
Final Take Away
I’ve read so many blogs that say you shouldn’t monetize until you reach 5,000 page views. Then I read some that say you should monetize from day one.
If you’ve seen my monthly traffic stats, you know that at the time of this writing, I haven’t reached 5,000 page views. I chose to monetize from day one.
Of course, if you do monetize from day one, you need to set realistic expectations. You probably won’t make any money for quite a while.
Also, the monetization shouldn’t be your primary focus. You want to keep creating awesome content that helps your readers. Eventually, the money will come.
The great thing is that once your blog starts growing and you get targetted traffic, you won’t have to worry about going back to monetize your blog.
You’ve already set yourself up for the best conversions possible with the help of the Advanced Ads Plugin!
Hand Picked Articles for You
- How to Add An Affiliate Disclaimer To Genesis Via A Widget
- How to Remove Pins from Pinterest That Have Been Stolen
- Advanced Ads Review WalkThru
Have a question? Want to share your own affiliate marketing tip? Please leave it in the comments below, I’d love to hear what you have to say!
Hello Susan,
Very informative post. I like the way you express the things. You are right what working for me doesn’t necessary that it will work for all. Banner ads are perform very well for me as well. I am also using free version of advance ads. I have recently generated few sales on shareasale and its really motivates me a lot.
For me banner ads perform well than text ads. Most important thing is that the CTR is very high in banner ads compare to text ads. Thanks for sharing these great insights.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Vishwajeet,
Yeah, I am loving the Advanced Ads plugin. Glad to hear that it’s helping you increase your affiliate commissions.
It is motivating when all your hard work starts paying off. I have no doubt that your commissions will just continue to increase as you spread your message.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
That was an incredible article & it takes a lot of study & patience to put up an article like that. Advance Banner Ads are working pretty well for me, the creative & attractive the banner is the more is the conversion.
One small tip is when you publish such huge articles, try to publish an infograph with all related points.
Hi Rajesh,
I love creating tutorials like this, and glad that you found it helpful. So glad to hear that you’re using the Advanced Ads plugin.
Thanks for the tip on the infograph ๐
Hope you have a great weekend ๐
Hi Susan,
What an outstanding blog post!
One of my pet peeves is when people are pushing products in my face because of all the money they have made. I shut down when it is portrayed like that.
I rather affiliate products and/or services that are something I know my followers as well as I will find it beneficial in my specific niche.
Thanks for all those do’s and don’ts in this article because people are often swayed in the wrong direction and don’t know where to begin, but bothering others lol.
Hi Donna,
I know what you mean, I actually won’t promote an affiliate product unless I am using it or have used it.
My feeling is if I love it, then I have no doubt someone else will as well.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Hope you have a great day ๐
Hey Susan,
I am glad to hear that you’re growing with the affiliate marketing. I see that you’re doing it right.
Using the different ads can be lucrative for sure. I have been an affiliate of WPEngine for a few years now and it’s great.
ShareASale is one of the biggest platforms to use. Thanks for sharing with us.
Best of luck.
Hi Ravi,
Yeah, I use WP Engine for some of my clients sites. It’s definitely a great hosting service.
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment, hope you have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
I must say that showing targeted ads is a really great way to show ads and boost affiliate commissions. I always like the idea.
When you are showing a visitor what he is really interested in, chances are that you will surely generate leads and convert them into the sale.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Gaurav,
Yup, that’s definitely been helpful for me. Glad to hear that’s working out for you as well.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
You have an awesome blog, and you’re doing a great job here. I really like the way that you have presented the blog post, keep it up.
Making income from the affiliate marketing is an art! Keeping the attractive banners at the logical places will make conversions. I’m still working on it.
Thanks for the executable tips! Have a good day today!
Hi Nirmala,
Thanks for the compliment, you made my day ๐
Welcome to my blog glad to have you hear. You’re right affiliate marketing is an art and it does take time.
However, as you continue providing valuable helpful content, the conversions do happen. I have no doubt that you’ll have the success you’re looking for.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Hope you have a great day and enjoy your weekend ๐
Wow, this was such a helpful post! I’m going to save it to come back to it and read through it again. I struggle with affiliate marketing, especially since I’m in the health and finance niche. I feel like the health niche is insanely saturated, so it’s harder to get people to buy.
Hi Alexis,
Glad you liked the post.
Yeah, I am sure that it’s saturated. That’s how I feel about the blogging and WordPress niche sometimes.
I have no doubt that you’ll have success with your blog.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
It’s a fantastic piece of content on affiliate marketing. I’m 100% sure that it’s going to help a lot of people.
I haven’t gone deep into affiliate marketing yet, but I’m very much interested in testing out soon. Your blog post is going to help.
I’d recommend producing more content on affiliate marketing. As far as my understanding of this monetization strategy is concerned, it may not bring in results quickly unless you got lucky. It does require a lot of testing and tweaking. Of course, you also emphasized on testing different strategies.
I just want to thank you for this blog post.
Hi Hassaan,
Glad you liked the post and found it helpful. To tell you the truth, I haven’t delved deep into it either.
Right now, I am in the process of growing this blog, it still doesn’t get a lot of traffic.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Really nice to know that someone is doing such a good job to spread information about affiliate.
Don’t worry about the number of visitors.
You only need quality traffic that would convert. A few years ago, I experimented with a blog that had four visitors per day on average, and it was converting. That’s was insane. Right?
Hi Shubham,
I’m glad you liked the article.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Hassaan,
You’re right targeted traffic, that’s what I’m focused on.
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
I didn’t start yet monetizing my blog but your post is very helpful.
By the way, I would like to inform you that one of your links that is in most of your posts is not active. I am not sure but you can have a look. Here is it:”This blogger makes $50,000+ per month with her blog”.
Once again, thank you as always.
This post is really great I just saved it offline so that later I can practice it and also share it with my friends. Keep posting great articles on affiliate.
Hi Vincent,
Glad you found this post helpful. Oh and thanks for the heads up on that link not working in my disclaimer.
It was still pointing to my localhost. An overlook on my part.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Hope you have a great day ๐
Hi Nzekwe,
Glad you found the blog post helpful.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, I truly appreciate it.
Have a great day ๐
Hello Susan,
Great tips over here ๐
I am not that much of an affiliate guy, but still looks wonder for me.
Banner ads, could be a great thing to enhance the affiliate marketing tactics. Affiliate marketing can make us a lot of money
if it is done correctly. I have seen how pro blogger have earned a lot of money just by doing affiliate marketing
I am too looking forward to get into affiliate marketing, mainly from the next year, as its better to get in a fresh
start at a fresh time.
Thanks for the share.
Hi Shantanu,
Yeah, I know you don’t do a lot of affiliate marketing. Personally, I love it. Although, I do want to focus on other sources of income, not just affiliate marketing.
It’s important to have multiple sources of income so it’s not all coming from one place.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan. Thank you for such a clear explanation of the right way to add affiliate ads to my website :-). I followed your instructions and have my first one up now. Love the Advanced Ads plugin!
Hi Susan, I almost came late but hopefully I happen to come Early before the win blow away the fly from the bird.
Thanks for this great tips.
Advance ads plugin is really good, I saw it secretly from a friend but never hard idea of the plugin and I told myself I was gonna make a research about it on Google, I never new you already launch the mega solution.
Thanks for your efforts to eliminate illiteracy and bringing new discovery to either make money online or something like that.
Thanks ones again
Hi Audrey,
I am so glad that I could help. Yeah, I’ve only been using the plugin for about a month or two and I have to say it’s one of my favorites.
Let me know how it goes with your affiliate marketing efforts.
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Matthew,
Yeah, the Advanced Ads Plugin is a great one. So glad that you’re already using it.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hey Susan,
It’s the second time i visited your blog and i wanna say it’s as informative and useful as last one.
You have very well written on Affiliate marketing, As it is a source of proceeds. The key to maximizing your associate income is engaging your readers. For the successful affiliate marketing you should know and understand your audience and be trustworthy.
If you smash their faith by promoting a product you don’t believe in, they will go away and never arrive back.
Thanks for this great share. Looking forward to read more post of yours ๐
Hi Maria,
So glad that you’re back for a second time.
You’re right, you can’t just promote something in hopes of earning an affiliate commission. That’s actually why I won’t promote something if I’ve never used it for my blog or my client’s site.
Earning a readers trust is so much more important than just trying to make a quick buck.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment. Feel free to come back whenever you want.
Have a great day ๐
It is good to learn susan , i am beginner in affiliate marketing field. In this stage, i feel like a kid stand front of the sea. Anyway, thank you for this wonderful post.
Hi Deepu,
Glad you liked it. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Susan,
I do use banners on my blog and in fact, they convert pretty well. I hadn’t realised until now that one could use a plugin to get target ads. I will definitely look into it.
Thank you for sharing and for creating such an informative post.
Hi Marina,
Glad to hear that you’re having success with some banners. When you target your banners to your readers, you will be amazed at how much it will improve your conversions.
Good luck with your blogging journey.
Have a great day ๐